1.0 The Break

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Sammy was sitting in her room reading a book quietly trying not to listen to the muffled yelling from downstairs. It was obviously her parents yelling about whatever they yell about, Sammy couldn't care less, if they didn't care about her, she didn't care about them.

Sammy was reading Little Woman one of her favorite books, she kept her reading a secret from pretty much everyone, it was a way that she could be herself and enjoy time alone.

A slam of a door took Sammy out of her task. She didn't care what it was maybe her parents were finally getting a divorce after one year of fighting every single night.

Sammy continued to read and let her imagination flow of what it would be like if she was in the book. Reading about love and relationships are her favorite kind of books she likes to read.

A knock at her window startled Sammy as she dropped her book on the bed and carefully walked over to the window, looking through the curtains to see her best friend, Ricky. She huffed, unlocked then opened the window.

"what is ricky bowen doing at my window at-" she looked at her watch "nine-thirty at night?"

"can i come in please?" his voice was unsure, she moved out of the way and let him in closing the window behind him.

"my dad didn't see you right?" ricky walked over to her bed and put his phone down.


East High

"Ok look i don't care if my parents see ricky come through my window. I just don't want the 'why can't you be more like your sister' talk. My sister is literally twelve last time i checked she hasn't even gone through the stages, or even interacted with a boy!"


"no, he didn't." he looked down at her bed and saw the book, last time he checked sam never liked to read.

"is this a book?" he picked up the book and looked at it "that is almost finished?" he teased as sammy's eyes went wide. she sprinted towards him but he raised his arm higher so she couldn't reach it.

"ricky please give it back." she to jumping up to reach the book. moments later sam gave up and sat on her bed putting her face in her hands. "this isn't how you were supposed to find out."

"what, find out that the one girl i know that never reads is actually reading?" he chuckled and handed her back the book. "how long have you kept this secret?" he sat across from her.

"two years," she whispered and didn't meet his eyes

"wow, um, i'm not mad i'm actually surprised
that you're reading, it makes me happy."

"ok enough from me!" she snapped looking back up at him "why are you here?" she was avoiding the previous scene. Ricky then stood up off of the bed and walked around the room back and forth. "ricky? what happened? wait, you were supposed to be with nini all night tonight." he sighed

"i got scared, she said the words sam! The eight letters three words deal, and i couldn't say it back. I got scared and i know she is going to theater camp, so i told her that we should take a break." he delayed "well a pause." he looked at his best friend for a reaction to the news

"w-what you told her you wanted a break!" she said shocked. sam then stood up and walked towards him

"i got nervous and i couldn't say it back! m-my parents don't even say those words to each other! i just don't know, i freaked out." he ran his fingers through his hair, and sammy got mad at herself for saying that and forgetting about his parents.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you that way, i've never been in a relationship so i don't have any experience." Sammy sat back down on the edge of her bed.

"no sam you're my best friend, i will always go to you for advice relationship or not." Sammy stood up pulling him into a hug, when she moved back ricky looked deep into her eyes.

Something in sams stomach made her feel weird. They stood there gazing at each other until someone slammed the door downstairs. Heavy steps then began walking up the stairs.

"you know the drill," she whispered as he ran into her closet, she locked the window, jumped into bed, hid the book, she then laid down turning off her lights and started fake sleeping.

The door opened and the lights turned on. She held her breath and shut her eyes more.

"Samantha wake up!" her dad yelled and sammy looked at him rubbing her eyes acting like she just woke up.

Samantha isn't her real name, but sammy is but her dad always calls her that no matter what. It's like her parents don't care about her anymore they think she is a piece of trash that they throw hateful comments at. After her older brother died it has just begun the fighting for her parents and it just all went downhill for Sammy.


"your dumb friend left his skateboard in our front yard, again." he tossed ricky's skateboard on the ground, and that made her angry.

"he's not dumb! Now please get out of my room seems like you didn't read the sign, it says that you're not allowed in here!" she runs and slams the door with all her anger in his face and locks it, then she hears him walk away muttering something.

Sam falls down the back of the door, she can't cry, ricky is in her closet and he can't know that she holds her feelings in, but it's too late ricky walked out and saw a tear fall from her eye.

"are you okay?" he sat down on the floor next to the girl.

"n-no" she wipes the tears and looks up at him.

he pulls her into a hug on the floor and she cried a few more tears into his shirt, all he does is rub her back and try to calm her down.


East High

"ok, i've never seen sam cry, only one time when we were twelve, and she fell off my skateboard when i was trying to teach her. I'm worried about her, does she always cry and not talk about it, or does she just not do it around me and Red?" he looked at the camera with a worried expression on his face.


He let go of her then wipes some tears off of her face. "i'll go if you want me to, so you can be alone." he stands up and sammy does too

"yeah, you should go because you have had a long day. Get some sleep." she rubs his arm and they slowly walk over to the window. Ricky unlocked the window and he climbed out and down the tree. Sam tossed him his skateboard from the floor.

"good night Sam."

"good night ricky."

She watched as ricky disappeared into the distance. Sammy didn't know what that feeling was in her stomach, maybe she was just hungry. She shrugged it off and proceeded reading.

author's note

Welcome to the first chapter of Fantasy!!! Hopefully, this book works out well and you enjoy it!!

-the chapters will be longer i just wanted to start with this one
-next chapter will be out soon!

Also, i don't own any of the gif's i use!

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