1.9 Midnight Talks

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After the dance ricky offered to take sammy home. She said yes because she didn't have another ride and she would also spend time with ricky.

That pulled up to her house and she saw that no one was home. She pulled out her phone to check her texts. She clicked on her mom's contact.

Got called in for a late shift.

ok love you

Sammy put her phone down and looked at ricky who was already looking at her. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"i- um my mom isn't home." she looked out of the window again

"i can see that sam, there's no car in the driveway." she turned to him with her eyebrows raised

"did you just called me stupid?" she chuckled

"so what now." he ignored it and she hit his arm

"do you maybe want to spend the night? If you don't want to that fine i completely under-" she said quietly playing with her hands

"sure just i'm gonna need some clothes."

"bowen you have a whole drawer in my dresser dedicated to just your stuff you leave at my house when you sleepover."

"i know. Top right. bla bla." he used his hand to mimic her talking

"you know what. Never mind you want to be a bitch about me wanting to spend time with my best friend be like that." she tried to open the door but he locked it, she unlocked it but he locked it again. He grabbed her arm.

"sam i was just kidding and i know you know that. Now let's go." he unlocked the car and they got out and headed inside

"home sweet home!" sammy yelled through her front door after she unlocked it

"wow you're excited to be home." he closed the door and locked it

"we can change and i'll make dinner." sammy started walking up the stairs

"ok mom" she stopped and turned around

"you know you look really comfortable in that suit maybe you can wear it to bed," she smirked and continued walking upstairs

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