Chapter 9

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"How long?” Liam asked, pacing Lily’s chambers as she watched from the bed. At first it had been amusing as he fought for the right words, but now she was beginning to grow tired of it.

"How long what?” She asked, exasperated. “How long have I been a woman? Pretty sure my entire life.”

"No.” He hissed. “How long were you planning on keeping this from me?”

"How long do you think?” She kept her voice quiet, mindful of her sleeping brother. “I wanted to continue being a knight. If you had known the truth, I would have lost that.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the entire truth either. He had already discovered one of her secrets, and she’d be damned if she revealed any more.

He stopped pacing and turned to look at her. “You don’t trust me?”

"You haven’t exactly given me a reason to. Just like tonight. When I gave you another chance, you just threw it away!” She said, standing to face him.

"You think that was my idea?” He asked. “That I wanted to pretend to be interested in that terrible woman while all I could think about was you?”

Lily stopped, the heat that had spurred her on fading as quickly as it had come. “You weren’t interested in her at all?”

"Of course not. Why would I be?”

"She seemed your type.”

"You’re my type.”

"So...your type is a woman pretending to be a man?”

Liam glared at her. She watched him take a deep breath and release it before he spoke again. “It wouldn’t have mattered to me.” He admitted. “Whether you’re a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter.”

"Of course it matters. It always matters.”

"Not to me, it doesn’t.”

Lily gave a defeated sigh, turning away from him. She felt his hand on her arm, holding her still, but she didn’t dare look at him. “It doesn’t.” He repeated. “I didn’t fall in love with anything that exists beneath your clothes. It was your personality that first drew me to you.”

"Stop.” She pushed him away. The air immediately felt colder when he stepped back, but she ignored it. She needed to know what he planned to do with this new information he had on her.

"What are you going to do with me?” She asked and, seeing the gleam in his eyes, hastened to clarify. “About me being a woman...” She trailed off, catching sight of his small smirk as she floundered through her words. “About me being a knight.”

"What do you want me to do?” He asked, moving closer to her again. Lily put her hands up to ward him away.

"I want to continue being a knight.”

"Then you will be.” He said. “I won’t tell anyone of this. It will be like I never walked in here tonight.”

"You would lie?" She asked. “To everyone? Even your own father?”

"It’s not lying if they never ask.”

"But if they do?”

"Yes!” He hissed, bringing a hand up to brush her cheek. “I would lie. To my father. To my people. If it would keep you safe, then yes.”

"What about Lady Abigail?”

He sighed, dropping his hand. “She only crosses my mind when you bring her up.”

Lily wrapped her arms around his waist then, resting her head on his chest to listen to his steady heartbeat. His arms circled her, and she smiled. Exhaustion dragged at her limbs, but she was unwilling to leave his embrace. “You should rest.” He said. “If you like, you could accompany me back to my chambers.”

"As if I would fall for that. I am not that servant girl.”

"I would never--” Lily gave him a pointed look that stopped his protest at once, though he did mutter something unintelligible under his breath.

"Our relationship doesn’t automatically change just because you know I’m a woman now.”

"Fine. I’m leaving.” He said impatiently, but his eyes softened soon after. “Sleep well.”

"Yeah, you too.” She locked the door behind him, something she would have to remind herself to do more often, and slipped into bed beside her sleeping brother. June was curled up beside his head, purring. Lily watched the two for a long moment.

"How long have you been awake?” She finally asked.

A single green eye popped open to look at her. “Since the beginning.”

"So you heard everything then?”

"Mm-hmm.” He shifted under the thick blankets to make himself more comfortable, taking care not to displace June.

"Nothing to add?”

"Nope.” His eye closed again. “He seems like a very nice person.”

"Your sarcasm is unnecessary. I think he’s just fine.”

"Mm.” Basil paused for a moment, shifting under the blankets again. Lily caught a glimpse of pale skin and bandaged ribs before he finally stilled. “He took it well. This discovery of his.”

"Yes, I suppose he did.” Then she groaned into her pillow, ignoring her brother’s muffled laugh. “He took it too well! I’m sure he’s coming up with some sort of terrible punishment right as we speak.”

After a small pause, Basil asked, “do you regret him finding out?”

"No.” She said. “If anything, I’m glad. It’s one less thing to feel guilty over."

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