chapter 5

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Next day

I'm woken up by a husky voice whos currently whispering for me to wake up.

Slightly opening my eyes my instincts immediately kick in ,
slamming my fist into Seth's throat so hard that he stumbles backwards coughing.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry,wait no I'm not!" I say standing up from the couch, I must have fallen asleep on it yesterday afternoon.

" You asshole! How could you lock me up here?" I said crossing my arms against my chest, and stood there waiting for him to catch his breath.

He deserves it

"What the hell Sia , I was trying to give your breakfast. What's with miss morning ninja?"

I scoffed,

morning ninja

" I jus tend to harm people I dislike"

Sitting back down onto the couch Seth sat across from me and pasted me a bowl of cereal.

Not just any cereal, it's was my favourite?

"Why did u get me Coco pops instead of a regular breakfast" I questioned , eyeing him suspiciously.

" I know how you used to like it , I remember you never really liked eating just any regular breakfast ,but coco pops " He said with a amused smile ,like the memory was distant and missed .

"Um , well I guess thanks " I scrunched my nose a bit in confusion.


After him practically staring at me as I ate my cereal he took me back to 'my room' for me to get some fresh clothes .

The walk in closet was mostly filled with a different style to what I'd usually wear but they all were my exact size. Creepy yes , but helpful.

She was obviously a busy girl as the clothes where mainly workout clothes, clubbing clothes, or just mostly black or covered in paint.

I'm not sure who this girl is but she must have one hell of a time living here with these people.

After picking an outfit , just simple leggings and one of her work out tops , along with running shoes. Just in case I have to run away.

Seth showed me to the rooms bathroom, the products I used were similar to mine , which scared me .

What if Seth was telling the truth?


I was sitting on the couch again formulating a plan , well trying ,which was totally useless.

Seth was god knows where but he hadn't left the apartment.


My eyes snap immediately towards the elevator doors , waiting for the doors to reveal hopefully my escape.

My heart stops and stares at the man who has jus arrived , who looks most definitely older than Seth .

His dominance made me tense giving myself an uneasy feeling, but I feel like this has happened before,like I've experienced this feeling almost a hundred times ,and it wasn't good feeling.

He looked up from the phone he had been texting on , immediately noticing my presence. His eyes gleamed at the sight of me , smirking a little.

I got up from my seat moving to the opposite side of the room away from him .

"I see there's  no need to introduce myself as you seem to know me ." He looks me up and down ,and not in a sexual way , but like I'm collection piece that's his been searching for years .

" No I don't " I replied in a shaky voice , I couldn't help it , he scared me ,and I don't even know the reason but I had a feeling instead.

"Where've you been my Sia ." He slips his phone into his pocket and stalks towards me . Taking his time as he examines my shaking body with longing eyes .

The dominance which radiates off of him makes me stand still , as his being controls mine . He stopped mid way when his wondering eyes stared me dead in mine.

My heart ached ,and it wasn't a very nice feeling, like the room was almost suffocating me, tighteniny lungs.

" Come here " he gestured in front of him , I don't know what came over me in that second , bravery, stupidity, wonder?

But I obeyed, it almost came as natural instinct,and that's what scared me most . Like I knew exactly what I was supposed to do.

He grabbed my chin but not in a rough way ,gentle actually, scanning my face as if he was satisfied with me

Letting go of my chin he turned around to Seth , who I hadn't even noticed entering the room , Seth was quite and jus stared at the both of us in confusion.

My head fell down eyes staring at the floor ,I was thinking about the way my body reacted towards this man , I couldn't help but submit.

His deep voice gave me chills, but  I was too deep in my own thoughts to register what the two men were discussing.

These men weren't good news.

My eyes wondered to the key card that would help me escape ... 

"Sia come with me , we're going to have a quick meeting. " he interrupted my thoughts.

I cleared my throat, a little delayed but came back to reality.

" What's that got to do with me ?"

" It's the reason your here ." He definitely had my attention now , this would explain a lot .

I haven't liked the familiarity I've been feeling while in this place at all , but before I try to escape I need to know how deep this goes .

" Fine " I grumbled.

The man from earlier had disappeared by now and I avoided asking Seth about him, because just thinking about him gave me chills.


The next chapter changes quite drastically, I thought it was better to write in third person 👀

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