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It was summer after my fifth year at Hogwarts. I was sitting in the dining room of my home discussing something important to my parents.

"Mum, Dad I need to tell you something." I said.

"Yes what is it sweetie?" Mum asked.

"Remember how I told you that I used a magical device called a Time Turner in my third year?" I asked.

"Yes." Dad said.

"Well because I used it so much it aged me by two years, I am actually seventeen years old." I said.

"Ok, why are you telling us?" Mum asked.

I went to answer them when the front door exploded off it hinges.

My wand slipped into my hand and I ran out to see Dolohov, McNair and Greyback standing in my living room.

They started to throw curses at us. I was fighting back as best as I could to protect my parents.

I was then tackled to the ground by Greyback as my wand slipped from my fingers.

He had his hand around my neck closing off my windpipe.

He forced me to watch as the others killed my parents.

He then bit down on my neck, and with the little strength I had I kneed him in his groin.

When he rolled off of me, I found my wand and apparated to the only person I felt safe with.


I was sitting in my armchair at my cottage in Yorkshire when a disturbance in my wards notified me that someone is on my property.

I slipped my wand in my hand and slowly walked to the door, but when I got there I was able to smell blood, I threw open the door to see. . .

"Miss. Granger!?" I called out as she fell into my arms as she passed out.

I carefully picked her up and carried her to the couch to look over her injuries.

"Our other mate!" Moony growled.

I ignored him to try and find the place where she was bleeding.

I found it when I came to her neck,  I also noticed that she was bitten, I slowly ran my hand over the bite.

Because of Moony I was able to tell that she was bitten by Greyback and that she was now a werewolf.

Moony growled again.

"Will you stop your growling I can't concentrate." I told Moony.

"Sorry, but our other mate was hurt."  Moony said.

I shook my head there is no way she is our other mate.

"Remus?" She moaned out trying to turn her head.

"Don't move Miss. Granger I need to stop the bleeding." I said.

She didn't move or say anything.

It took thirty minutes but I was finally able to stop the bleeding, I summoned a blood replenish and a pain relief potion.

"Here drink these, they will help." I said handing her the potions.

She took them and drank them down without questions.

"Let me get cleaned up then you can tell me what happened." I said standing up.

She nodded and I walked to the bathroom to wash my hands and I looked down at my shirt to see it covered with her blood.

I took off my shirt and opened the door to run upstairs to grab another shirt when I came face to face with Miss. Granger.

"Miss. Granger are you ok?" I asked.

"Please I don't want to be alone." She said as she clung to me.

"Ok, let's go back into the living room." I said.

She nodded, we walked into the living room and as we sat down I asked, "can you tell me what happened tonight?"

After she told me what happened, she broke down crying, I pulled her into my arms and held her as she poured out her grief.

"Sorry." She said pulling away.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry." I said.

She touched her neck and grimaced.

"Well, I guess I should be happy that it wasn't a full moon tonight." She said.

"Umm...Miss. Granger," I started.

"Hermione, please?" She said.

"Hermione, Greyback is more werewolf then he is a man, he can turn anyone into a werewolf anyday. When he turned me it wasn't a full moon either." I told her.

"You mean, I am a werewolf now?" She asked.

I nodded and looked down at the floor.

"Remus are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, Hermione, I am.  I can tell because I am a werewolf. You won't be alone I'll be here to help you. But we need to inform the headmaster so we can set you up to transform in the shrinking shack while you are at school." I said.

"Ok, but where will I stay until I go back to Hogwarts?" She asked.

"You can stay here. I have an extra room, you won't have to go through  your first transformation alone I will be here for you." I said.

"Thank you Remus. But can you tell the headmaster? I don't want to see his pity." She said.

"Of course. Can I also tell Sirius, he needs to be here for the full moon?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Ok, let's get you set up in your room and I will go get your stuff and then talk to the headmaster and Pads." I said.

I walked her to her room and when she was comfortable I walked into my room and threw on a shirt and left.

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