Telling Dumbledore

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I sent my patronus to Sirius telling him to meet me at Hermione's house, so I was waiting for him in the front yard.

"Moony, what's going on?" Sirius asked walking up to me placing a kiss against my lips.

When we pulled apart I said, "Hermione was attacked tonight. They killed her parents, then Greyback bit her and turned her."

He nodded as we walked inside the house. The first thing we saw was her parents laying on the floor dead.

"Send for Mad-Eye and Kingsley." I said.

He nodded and sent a patronus to them.

"What are you going to tell them?" He asked me.

"The truth." I said walking upstairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked me following me up.

"To get her stuff." I said.

I found her room and shrank her stuff and put it in my pocket.

We walked back downstairs to find Mad-Eye and Kingsley standing by Hermione's parents.

"What happened here?" Mad-Eye asked.

I told them everything that Hermione told me.

"Wait. How is she not in trouble? She is sixteen and she used magic?" I asked.

"She turned seventeen. In her third year she used a Time Turner it aged her by two years." Kingsley said.

I smiled thinking that it will make being mates easier.

"We need to go talk to Albus, we'll see you two at the order meeting tonight." I said.

They both nodded and Sirius and I left to go to Hogwarts.

When we arrived at the gates Filtch was standing there waiting for us, we walked in and towards Dumbledore's office.

"Gentlemen, what can i do for you?" Albus asked.

We sat down and i told Albus everything.

"And where is Miss. Granger now?" He asked.

"At my cottage." I said.

"Ok. First and foremost Remus please come back and teach Defence, you would't believe all the letters from the parents telling me off for letting you resign." He said.

"Fine I'll come back, but Sirius needs to be here with me." I said.

"Deal. Now onto Miss. Granger, I believe it would be safer for Miss. Granger if she was adopted." Albus said.

"I'm sure Minerva or Molly would adopt Mia." Sirius said.

"Well, let's first see if Minerva will adopt her before we talk to Molly." He said.

I nodded. Albus sent for Minerva and we sat there waiting for her.

"Albus what's wrong?" Minerva asked as she ran in.

We sat there as Albus told her everything.

"Of course I will adopt Hermione, but i do believe it would be safer if she stays with Remus." She said.

I nodded then got up and used the floo network to go get Hermione.


I was sitting in an armchair by the fireplace just staring at the flames when they turned green and out walked Remus.

"Remus, what happened?" I asked him.

He walked over to me and knelt down, "Mia, I had to tell Mad-Eye and Kingsley everything. When I told Albus he thought it would be safer for you to be adoptedby someone in the Wizarding world. And Minerva agreed to adopt you." He said.

"Do I have to move in with her? I don't want to." I said panicking.

"No they believed it was safer for you to be here. I also accepted to come back to teach D.A.D.A again." He said.

"That's awesome Remus!" I said launching myself in his arms as I hugged him.

"Thank you Mia." He said as he hugged me back.

"When do we need to go?" I asked pulling away.

"Now." He said.

I nodded and got up and together we flooed back to Dumbledore's office.

"Miss. Granger, I am truly sorry about your parents." Dumbledore said.

"Thank you sir." I said.

"Mia." Sirius said opening his arms.

I ran into his arms and started crying.


I stood there watching as Sirius was holding Hermione as she was crying. Trying to figure out how she is my mate if Sirius was my mate.

"Both mates, don't deny us love human." Moony growled.

I sighed and nodded.

Sirius sat down with Hermione on his lap, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hermione, let's get this done so we could go back home." I said.

She nodded and tried to stand up but Sirius held onto her.

"Stay." He said causing me to chuckle.

"Pads she has to stand up." I told him.

"What does this entail?" She asked.

"I will be making you some promises and all you have to do is accept them. Are you ready?" Minerva asked.

"Yes," She said standing up.

I picked up Sirius and sat down pulling him onto my lap.

The adoption was quick and Minerva hugged her.

"Ready to go home Hermione?" I asked.

She looked over to us and blushed as she nodded.

We both stood up, "come with us Pads?" I asked, he nodded then we all flooed back home.

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