Main Characters Bio

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This will be my character bio on the characters who appeared in my Zillion series, all of my characters will be my Original Characters. And I don't own the Ultraman series, it rightly own by tsuburaya production.

Name: Hiraga Reiji (my oc, original character)

Name: Hiraga Reiji (my oc, original character)

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Ultra: Ultraman Zillion

Transformation Item: Zillion Spark

Gender: Male

Family: Kaneko Shuka (wife), Hiraga Hinaki (daughter), Hiraga Gou (son)

Affiliation: Monster Attack Organization

Type: Protagonist/Hero/Member (promoted)/Captain (current)

First Appearance: New Hero, Zillion

Last Appearance: Ultraman Zillion: The Stone of Baradhi (physical appearance), Zillion vs Zillion (Zillion's human form)

Appearance: In most appearance, he wore a violet jacket with black trim and with a logo on his sleeve and his name at the back and with black jeans and black shoes.

Personality: He's a member of the Monster Attack Organisation team and he's more of an hot-headed person who tends to act without thinking, he can also be impulsive around anyone who tends to insult him but in truth, he's a kind person as he wanted to protect the once he cared about and he's good friends with Ryusei, Satoshi, Yota and Shuka. It's revealed that Shuka has feelings for him, but it's unknown if Reiji return his feeling for her or not. After Zanbilia's defeat and Zillion left earth, Reiji proposed to Shuka, accepting his feelings for her, and a month later, Reiji got promoted to a Captain after Koichi became the Staff Officer. Six years later, he and Shuka have two children, Hinaki and Gou.

C.V: Shimazaki Nobunaga (Japanese), Erik Scott Kimerer (English)

Name: Hachijojima Ryusei (my oc, original character)

Name: Hachijojima Ryusei (my oc, original character)

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Gender: Male

Affiliation: Monster Attack Organization

Type: Ally/Member

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