I woke this morning but not to dad shouting so I got washed and dressed as normal for school then I went down stairs gor breakfast and my aunt Helen was sitting at the table. My aunt Helen was the aunt that every one hated. Aunt Helen wanted me to come and live with her in Nebraska but i had alreadly settled in at school and I like it here with dad and Emilia so I told aunt Helen no and after that she just got out off her seat and walked out of the house." Dad what was that about" I asked curiously " I think she you wants you to live with her because you remind her of your mum ( Aunt Helen's Sister) but I am glad you sayed with me " dad replied I ran to the bus stop this morning because i couldn't be bothered to walk to school with what happened this morning because that was too much. I had normal lessons today like science,maths,english and others. School is boring but the only thing making it fun is having Emilia in my classes and seeing her at recess and lunch. I am not going to bore you with what i did at school today because I only had maths, science and english and french all for an one hour and a half.
When I got home I ran to give my dad a hug because the Aunt Helen buisness this morning is still in my head but I have nothing to worry about dad said to me " Dad what for dinner " i asked and dad replied " your favourite because you deserve a treat, we are having pasta bake" "YES" i shouted to the top of my voice. I ran upstairs to get changed because i didnt want to get any pats bake sauce down my school uniform. when the pasta bake was ready i ran to the table and ate all my dinner up so I had ice-cream for pudding. After dinner and pudding me and dad sat down to watch a film we watched Where The Wild Things Are, it's an amazing film I cried at the end of the film after that me and dad went out for a walk because it was only 5 o'clock so we had plenty of time to just talk. We had a lovely talk but when we got home is was 7 o'clock so i went to go and watch friends for about 2 hours and then i went to bed but it took me ages to get to sleep because i was thinking what would it be like if I did go and live with Aunt Helen but eventually I went bed and had an amazing dream but I can't remember it .

My Mad Fat Diary
Teen FictionThis story is diary entries from Rae ever since she has moved away form Phoenix and losing her mum and when she falls in love with spencer