Back at Buttercream Apartment

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It had been a while since their encounter with Megan and they all had become great friends with her. Even Megan came around a lot to visit the guys..
Conor and I fight over whose the better twin whilst jack eats his nails, Anna rolls her eyes while seeing her siblings being stupid, the rest watching IT: Chapter 2 while screaming, crying and hugging each other...
Conor: I'm obviously smart because 10 million people have agreed to it..
Paige: they subscribed because of your voice not your brain, if they knew what happens in your brain they'd die..
Conor: they are dead already because of my high notes. Don't you agree Anth!
Anth: *crying* yeah, yeah..whatever *screams*
Jack: nope
Conor: nobody asked you, idiot
Paige: see jack doesn't agree and I don't as well 2 is greater than 1.. you lose the bet..get me Baskins Robbins!
Conor: Fine! *throws his credit card at paige*
Paige: careful!
I leave grabbing my keys and head off
Conor picks up his phone and texts Megan..
Conor: heyllo
                                                Megan: hi
Conor: whatcha doin'?
                                                Megan: nothing much, why?
Conor: just bored..
                                               Megan: okay!
Conor: lets go on a date
                                                 Megan: what?!
Conor: yeah! DisneyLand tomorrow
             10pm! See u there..
                                                 Megan! Huh?! I'll be there but it's not a date!
    *conor goes offline*

Jack snatches Conor's phone and punches him in the stomach
Jack: who you messaging..A secret girlfriend
*everybody makes weird noises*
Conor gets up takes his phone from Jack slaps him on his head lightly and storms upstairs to his room annoyed and slams the door soo loud everybody gets scared.
Anth: Jack man! Not cool you know how he gets when you interfere in his love life..
Jack: and you know how much I enjoy doing that..
Jack leaves laughing trying to escape quickly before somebody involves him in a conversation..
Conor's P.O.V
Paige will hate me for taking Megan on a date but who gives a fuck about Paige getting involved in MY love life..I hate the word "love life" who even created it! I'm just gonna listen to songs..
He puts on his headphones and plays his liked songs on Deezer and lies on his bed and stares at the ceiling as tears roll down his cheek..
Ugh! I'll never find love.
Conor screams this while listening to "Lose You to Love Me"

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