PART TEN | hey peach!

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just a heads up, the characters cry a lot in this chapter

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just a heads up, the characters cry a lot in this chapter.


Safe to say, Seokjin doesn't get much sleep that night after finding Jeongguk's name on Taehyung's fucking (literally and figuratively) list. It's seven in the morning and he's still tossing and turning in his bed, mind heavy with questions and self-doubt.

He doesn't register the gentle knocks on his bedroom door, eyes staring off into the distance. Namjoon makes his presence known by entering the room after failing to get any response from his brother. "Seokjin-ah," he bunches his brows together in worry at the sight of the younger, "why aren't you up yet?"

Seokjin blinks his dry eyes, the familiar smell of breakfast wafting inside his nose through the open door. He takes one look at Namjoon's worried face and several emotions immediately gnaw at his heart. He's never been too good with hiding behind a facade, especially when it came to his loved ones.

"Hyung," he croaks brokenly and it's all Namjoon needs to run to his aid. Seokjin hides a whimper against his brother's thigh while Namjoon threads his fingers through Seokjin's hair. "Do you feel unwell, Jinnie?" Seokjin shakes his head, face smushed against the material of Namjoon's sweatpant. "I don't wanna go to school, hyung. Or work."

Namjoon bites back a fond smile at his brother's whiny tone and caresses the tip of Seokjin's ears. Seokjin leans into the touch like a cold puppy seeking for warmth. "Did someone at school say or do something to you, or at work, perhaps?" Seokjin hums, "Both, kinda."

Seokjin looks up when the older lets out a sigh. "Maybe now's a good time to stop working, Jin-ah? You know I absolutely don't like you diverting your mind from school, especially with such work-load. You're supposed to be enjoying with your friends and studying right now, not helping your hyung with monetary issues." Namjoon's words are laced with guilt and Seokjin shakes his head fervently.

"I'm doing fine, hyungie! Irene-noona doesn't let me work much as is. Plus, the money is helping us out with so many things. I can manage it, hyung. You started working when you were thirteen!" Namjoon begins to protest and Seokjin presses a finger to his mouth to shut him up. To say that Namjoon was a slave for his stubborn nature would be an understatement. They've had this talk way too many times before anyway.

"Do I need to talk some sense into someone then?" Namjoon asks seriously, making Seokjin smile. He slowly shakes his head and Namjoon's gaze softens when he locks eyes with Seokjin's teary ones. "Hyung," he whispers, "do you think I'm a bad person?" Namjoon raises a brow while Seokjin continues, "Maybe people do things to h-hurt me because I'm bad, right? Why else would they--"

Namjoon gathers Seokjin in a hug when he begins to cry. The younger's body wracked with an onslaught of tears and sobs. Namjoon feels his chest tighten when he pulls his brother to hold his face in his hands. Seokjin's lips wobble with each sob and Namjoon wipes the tears racing down his cheeks. "If you want me to remind you everyday about how wonderful you are, I can do that. Seokjin-ah, you really don't realize your worth, do you?"

hey peach! | TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now