Chapter 1

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"Benjamin Edward please stand still. Mummy does not have the energy to fight with you." I begged the three year old for the tenth time.

"I'm sorry mummy, but I too excited!" He giggled ecstatically.

He has been such a happy camper since we found out I was pregnant. He is beyond ready to be a big brother

"I know angel, but if you're still then I can get you dressed faster." He finally stood still and I put his socks on him.

"Thank you." I smiled, and puckered my lips for a kiss.

"Now let's go downstairs and wait for daddy, yeah?" Benjamin nodded his head frantically, and bolted out the room.

I put a hand on my large tummy, and tried to stand up off of the floor.

Note to self: sit on the bed next time.

"Mummy, what takes you so long?" Ben asked, peaking his head into the door. I smiled slightly, and sighed.

"Your little brother or sister that is growing in my tummy." I stated. He walked towards me, and laid his head on my bump.

"Please stop making it hard for mummy to do things. She tell me that if you just copperate that it make things easier." I couldn't help but coo at his mispronunciation of a big word. He tries and that is all that matters to me.

"That was sweet honey, but I'm not sure the baby understands that yet."

"Stubborn like me?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Stubborn like you. Now help mummy up would ya?" I put my hands out for him to grab. He took hold of them and ran backwards. I managed to finally stand up, and we both made it downstairs.

"Now to just wait for daddy." I smiled at my cute three year old as I took a seat on the couch.

"Why daddy take so long?" He asked with his head between the blinds, looking out the window.

"There must be traffic."

"Must be." He agreed with a nod.

I turned the telly on, and propped my swollen feet up.

"Daddy here!" Benjamin cheered, and darted towards the door.

I stayed put knowing good and well I'll just be guided back to sit down.

"Daddy!" I heard Benjamin scream once the door opened.


Harry walked into the living room with an excited toddler on his hip.

"How was your day?" He asked, planting a kiss to my forehead.

"It was good. Me and Ben had ice cream for lunch and we coloured on the walls." I joked. Benjamin gasped.

"We did not daddy! I not a bad boy like that. I promise." I laughed, and kissed his forehead.

"Mummy was only kidding. We actually had salad for lunch, and we painted with water colours today, but I don't think Ben was as into it as I was considering what we are going to go do now." I smiled. Harry looked at me with fake confusion.

"What do we have to go do now?" He asked. Ben hit him in the chest.

"Daddy stop playing dumb. We go see if I have a baby brother or sister!" He cheered. Harry slapped his forehead and nodded.

"Oh yeah! Are you ready then?"

"Almost." Ben wiggled out of his daddy's embrace, and made his way upstairs.

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