3 - Into the Nightmare

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Several hours had passed within the Nine Nine, and Captain Holt made the decision to bring the Nine Eight in to transfer what perps' they had from the holding cell. If things went sideways, they didn't want 'innocent' bystanders in the way. He also let a few of their detectives go as well as non essential personnel. The Nine Eight saw to the evacuation and personally escorted them from the building without incident. All while this was happening, Rosa had retreated back into Captain Holt's office with Talia and together they rested and recovered as best as they could. A worried Terry kept ducking his head into the office to check on them until Gina smacked him.

"They are fine, Terr Bear. They're sleeping, or at least trying to with all your interrupting," she argued in her iconic Gina voice.

"I know, but I just worry!" he argued back. He didn't like the way Rosa had looked earlier, but she was now at least getting some more color into her cheeks.

After some more arguing back and forth, Jake and Amy ran up to him with concern etched across their faces.

"Sarge," Jake began as Holt walked over to join them, "it might be nothing, but we keep seeing movement around the precinct. Charles said it was a cat, but my gut says someone is out there hiding out in the shadows."

"I don't think it's paranoia," Amy added. "I think they are here and we need to be ready, we need a plan."

Terry was freaking out, they needed to move Rosa. The Captain's office would be the most logical place for the enemy to look, if it was even the enemy hiding in the shadows. "I don't care if it is a cat, we don't know what it is, and we are going to treat it as a threat."

"I agree," Hold said as his mind started racing, and it never raced. "Lets move her down to Storage Room B, there's an old couch in there where they could at least be comfortable."

"Don't tell her why," Jake added. When everyone looked at him like he was crazy, he explained. "Don't you think that she would do whatever she could to keep Talia safe? Even if it meant handing herself over to that asshole?" When everyone remained silent, he knew that everyone agreed with him. Rosa may hate him for the idea later, but he would have to deal with that...later. He would just add that to the list of things he needed to apologize for.

"Fine," Terry agreed grudgingly, "I'll go let her know we want to move her, 'just in case'."

At the door to Holt's office, he gave a soft knock and then let himself in. Rosa was so exhausted that she didn't even wake up. It killed him to have to do it, she had Talia wrapped up in her arms and they were both in a deep sleep on the couch. With a sigh, he bent down and gently shook her awake. "Rosa," he whispered, "Rosa, wake up." When her eyes fluttered open in surprise, she flinched away from the hand on her arm. Terry offered her a gentle smile and then held his finger to his lips. Rosa realized where she was, safe, and then looked down at a sleeping Talia.

"What's going on?" she whispered back and now on high alert.

"Its okay," Terry reassured her, "but Holt wants to move you guys as a precaution."

"A precaution?" she asked as she shifted stiffly into a sitting position with Talia now clinging to her, still asleep.

"Yeah, he wants you down in Storage Room B. You guys will have everything you need in there. The less people that know where you are, the better." When Rosa agreed with him, she stood with Talia and gasped in pain. "Here," Terry offered, "let me take her."

"I got it," she said fiercely before shooting him an apologetic glance. With Damon caught up to them, she was more protective than ever with her daughter. She shifted Talia a little, and then followed Terry from the room and down the elevator to the Storage Room.

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