Chapter 17: Horrible Doubts

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Good Moring, my Starry stars!
Welcome back to another chapter.

Is it good that I make everything bad?

I am so excited so show you this cause this Idea just popped in my head!

"Beware of false Knowledge: It is more dangerous than ignorance."

My heart burned itself from the burning anger. My breathing got heavy, like someone is stepping on my chest. I feel my workd is collapsing and turning to ash. Dream teleported somewhere else, leaving us here. The tension felt thick as butter, add the unbearable silence.

"E-Error! It's not what you think it is!" He scrambled, getting up from the toilet seat. I shot Icy glares at the two skeletons. Dream looked nervous and teleported somewhere else, leaving us here. Ink threw unexplainable apologies at me, firing all at once.

Without a second thought, I hung my head on the ground and I exited the room. My body is twitching like hell!--- I wanna kill someone. Maybe two people who are so desperate to fuck a each other!

Is he really making me completely insane?!

Why can't he contain himself?

Why, Dream? Why did DREAM HAVE TO DO THAT?! I thought he and Killer have a mutual understanding? FUCK! LIES! HORRIBLE LIES!!!
I am gonna tell Killer about this.

I ran downstairs and opened the door outside. I walked out and slammed the door shut, mumbling curses to myself. Why does it always happen to us? Why does every person that are friends with Ink have to be closer? Why can't I understand anything?! What are we, anyways?!

WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO COMPLICATED?!?! WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE COMPLICATED?!?!?!?! Why am I even feeling this way?! I am not in the right place to feel.... Like this!

I heard Ink's foot steps behind me. It is him. I know who is shouting my name, His mouth that are full of excuses!

"ERROR! H-HEAR ME OUT!" He pleaded, panting.

"BuLlshIt, InK!" I yelled.

He is stuggling to talk, He is forcing himself to talk. I turned around and saw him stumbled and fall on his knees. He has that same teary eyes that would make my soul ache, whenever I see it. I would have helped him if it WASN'T FOR EARLIER! It is like knives stabbed my entire body.

I felt tears weld up my eyes, my soul getting heavier than it should be. No, Error you can't cry! I scolded myself for being too soft. The sight of earlier made a deep, painful crack down my head. I shooked my skull and Ignored Ink, turning to the side and summoned a portal. I gave him one last glare and jumped in the portal, leaving him in guilt. He better be!

A humongous castle greeted me with its dark presence, it can make anyone shudder just by the looks of it. I don't care though. I have been here so many times that it's darkness comforted me from the pain. I heard the portal closed behind me and I walked in the tall building. Inside, Only torches lit the halls and rooms. I continued to walk, still feeling hurt. Why does it hurt?

Am I... Having feelings for him?

No.... It can't be.... I groaned in frustration and just teleported to the main room where The gang is. There they are. Cross is polishing his big knife on the couch, Dust is eating tacos on a bean bag, Killer is staring blankly at the floor -at the opposite side of Cross-, Horror is knowhere to be seen, and the leader, Nightmare, is Reading his book on his majestic throne. Everyone looked at me but with confused faces etched on their faces. They must've noticed my awful and pitiful expression. Nightmare is the first one to talk.

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