Chapter 10: Silly Glitchy

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"It's nice to be important, But it is more important to be nice..."

I woke up with a groan. I rubbed my eyes and took the covers off me. I put my jacket and slipped my slippers on before heading downstairs. I saw Ink cooking breakfast humming a calm megalovania.

Yes. Me and Ink live under one roof now. He made a house here in the AntiVoid, Which I hesitantly suggested. Oof! The past hurts. Some things cannot be erased nor destroyed.

I leaned on the wall, with my arms crossed, watching how the artist cook. I can smell the sweet aroma of a bread. He is too focused on taking the pastry out of the oven that he doesn't know I am here.

I fake coughed as he almost drop the tray, with a newly baked bread on it. He looked at my now smirking face. Pfft! He is always like this. He set the tray aside and put his hands on his hips.

"Error, You startled me!" He whined. I rolled my eyes, keeping my smirk.

"By the way, Good Morning!" I chuckled before nodding my head okay.

"GooD mOrniNg to You tOo, SquId." I said in my glitched voice. He glared for a moment -Probably because of his pet nickname- before smiling back.

"I made bread and coffee for us." He said, grabbing the coffee pot near him.

"I cAn seE tHat, ShOrtY. I'm nOt BlInd." He huffed and groan. Tapping his foot.

"Rude. That is another thing for us to fix." He said, pouring the coffee on the two mugs that rested on the table.

"It's Not broKen, iS It?" He glared at me and put the pot down.

"Error! That is very rude! Stop that!" He scolded me, like a mother would. I grinned widely. "I dOn'T GiVe A fUck......, Shorty." I saw his face washed by the colors of the rainbow.

"I-I'm not Short! You're just Tall!!!" He pouted like a kid. "Whatever." He sighed still blushing cutely.... No..... Not this again. Why does this always happen to me. I facepalmed, completely forgetting Ink's here. He looked at me confused. "Is something wrong?" I shook, my head blushing slightly. I inhaled before smirking again.


There he is again! That smirk! That really Irritates me. But I have to control it. He always wear that Smirk like it was an accessory. His most used accessory. I turned around and sliced the warm bannana bread. I took a plate and put a two slices on it. I grabbed my plain red mug and sat down on the table, near us. Those stupid nicknames. Squid, shorty.

Augh! Why, why, why?!?! Curse that handsome Glitch! I touched my hot face. Why am I still blushing?!?! Am I that Embarrassed? Or is my body temperature playing tricks on me?! Why Do I think Like A gay?! (Bitch, Fandom. Fight Meh-)

It is like a cheap perfume complimenting How fragrant a poop is. Well, I think that was kinda mean of me. I chomped on the bread, giving no mercy on it. A few moments of thinking, Error came in with a bread and a black mug in hand. He sat across me and ate.

"So.... WhAT Are wE gonNA do ToDaY?"

I smiled as I remembered the lists I made last Night.

"I have a list of activities, right here." I handed him the list, That was in my pocket earlier. He scanned the paper. "AlL oF ThIs?" I shooked my head, slightly chuckling.

"If you only want to. You can pick." He nodded. I don't want to force him to do things he doesn't like. I hate to force people.

"MaYbe walking through universes? YeAh! ThaT OnE. ThEn... Buy Groceries.... As weLl as stayinNG PeAcEFullY heRe."

I nodded. "All righty! Let's Do that Later!" I said while smiling widely. He is still with that smirk. Annoying smirk.

"Could you stop that!" He looked at me with an innocent face, His smirk dropping. "StOp WhAt?" He tilted his head. Now an innocent face?!

"Stop Smirking with no reason!" I said he raised a brow a more innocent smile formed on his lips. "BuT I haVe ReAsonS." He said. I groaned amd threw him a fearsome glare. He chuckled, glitchyly. Oh fucking hell! Why does he have to make my blood boil!? That sweet and innocent smile turned into a devilish grin.

"Do yoU waNt To KnoW WhY I SmIrK ArouNd yoU?"

I gave him a blank face for his stupidity. Of course I want to know. I guess he got the message because he talked.

"FirSt, It BooSts my priDe AroUnd You. SecOnd, YoU looK FUnnY WheN pIsseD! You cAlL ThAT a gLArE? It OnlY MaKeS yoU cUtEr, ShortY!" He laughed but stopped. His face exploded with a dark yellow color. What is... wrong........ Oh... AAAAAAAUUUHHHHHGGGg!!!!!!!!hsh!!!!!

CuTer! I squeaked.

DoeS he think I am cute?!?!?!

My face got painted by rainbows. Is that true?! Oh! I looked down, completely embarassed!

"I-I InK I-I- I didn'T meaNt That!!!! ThAt JuSt... UmM... I-" He crashed falling off the chair. I gasped and went near his side. I pressed the reboot button and waited. I put him on the chair and fanned him using my skeletal hand.

Damn! Is he that embarrassed?! Well, I got shy but this... this is... just too much. He really doesn't know how to compliment that, the hword came out of his mouth, unnoticed. I want to know him more. What if he broke that deal, Like I broke my promise? I want us to be friends.

How can I do That? What if he only wants to tease me so he can get my trust, without me knowing?..... Too have revenge on me. That would be too painful for me. I hope that it isn't true. Does he really want to star over again? More questions raced my mind, echoing.

I looked down at Error who is slowly rebooting. I rubbed and patted his back. Minutes later, He gasped lots of air. He breathe heavily, his eyes lidded.

"Calm down."

I hugged him but he flinched. I traced my fingers on his spine, hoping he would relax. And he did. He leaned on me and shakily wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled, Blushing lightly. I hummed some tune and closed my eyes, loving the warmth his body is giving. I felt his arms tightened around me. I stroked his skull in a gentle way.

The next thing is unexpected.

He pulled me on his lap, making me squeak And flush deeply.


He smirked and hugged me more. "ShUt uP, SqUid InK. I jusT mIssEd ThiS. EnJoY mY 'NiCe' AttItUdE whiLe IT LaSts."

I snorted at his childishness. He could've just asked.

"Silly Glitchy."

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