hakuyuu and hakuren had trouble sleeping

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She was back again at Susanoo. But this time, she was alone. And she wasn't expecting any guests any time soon so she had the whole of the vast Susanoo to herself.

Currently, she lay on stacks upon stacks of fluffy pillows on the ocean top. (Despite having some submerged in the water, the items weren't affected and simply acted as if the water didn't exist.) She had her head propped up by a few of the pillows and she was staring at the screen of her laptop that was leaning on her crossed legs.

See, Arashi happened to stumble on an unfinished scenario that she had written for a friend almost a year ago. She never finished it as she wasn't satisfied with how the short story started out so she saved what she had written and started anew. That became the 57k word monster that she had made for Magi Big Bang.

Even so, even when she had forgotten about it, she was pleasantly surprised to see it again. It wasn't everyday that she wrote something about the Haku princes' childhood stories. So unfinished the piece may be, she started reading through it.


This happened way back when the two princes were fourteen and eleven years old. It was just after the little princess Hakuei was born from their mother. It was a happy day, when they had visited their mother and a little bundle greeted them, being held by their usually stern father showing a rare smile in his face.

They were having trouble sleeping at night lately, mainly due to the fact that they were slowly being introduced to fighting by their father. It was their own choice, but it was their father who had suggested it to them and their generals urging them on. But later that night after their mother gave birth, it was a lot harder to sleep all of a sudden.

It was as if their was tension in the air that was unspoken of yet everyone knew about it.

Hakuyuu always had his sword by his bedside, but this time, he had it hidden underneath his sheets to soothe his nerves. His younger brother meanwhile was sitting by the window, his head ducked in his arms to show that he was sleeping when in fact, he was all but.

The longer time ticked on, the more they couldn't close their eyes.




When the moon had risen high in the night sky, Hakuyuu jolted awake all of a sudden. He had just closed his eyes briefly but he didn't realize he had fallen asleep. He went out of his bed, holding his sheathed sword close to him when rapid footsteps came towards his room. His door slid open with a bang and the intruder immediately found himself with a sword in his neck.

"Yuu!" The boy gasped and the older prince blinked at his brother, clearly unimpressed at him.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Hissed Hakuyuu and Hakuren pushed the sword away from him with the tip of his finger, cringing when he cut his pointer.


And then, it ended abruptly. A measly 300 or so words. Arashi had to think for quite a bit in her sleep-deprived state to remember where she had been going with the scenario before she realized that it was supposed to cover an attack to kidnap the newborn Hakuei.

"Wow," she had muttered to herself. "No wonder I didn't continue. I would've been writing for ages if I did."

Note: she doesn't like writing about a fight.

She sighed and stared off into space, wondering what she could've written of if she decided to push through anyway.

...I'll save the details to that for Esher's story later on. For now, I shall sleep.

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