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The Chiming of Bells – Chapter 32

There was that familiar feeling again. She just merely blink (that was all it took) before she found herself standing in the familiar scenery of an endless ocean. Memories she had briefly forgotten came rushing back and an eye started to twitch.

"I was talking to someone!"

The older girl, who was checking out the rose bushes which currently dominate the floating garden, jumped slightly and turned to Je'hel. She had her back towards her and she looked like she was about to rip her own hair off.

"Hey, don't tug at your hair and ruin it." She frowned at her. "There's still votes coming in for what hairstyle you'll have for your entire stay."

Then she paused to think, the same time that she turned robotically at the other girl. She looked aghast at what she had just told her.

"W-What?" She spluttered. "I haven't even come into terms with you being my creator and you're already planning on cutting my hair!?"

Arashi hummed, crossing her arms, "I think that's a decision for the next update so you'll still be okay."

"...the wait is much worse."

The girl was relieved to hear that but not at all fully. She wanted to keep her hair the way that it is, not cut it according to others' votes. Even so, she went towards her creator, watching curiously as she went back to inspecting the red flowers.

She was quick to get distracted, the older girl had noticed, but maybe she had decided to ask about it for another meeting instead.

"You have a lot of roses compared to the last time I was here." She had said, blinking when she was suddenly handed a steaming cup of tea. She took it and sniffed. "...rose tea?"

"We're supposed to have tea every time anyone visits so please, do have some."

Je'hel took a small sip. "I didn't know anyone else visits you."

She smiled at her, waving around a thorny rose she plucked with her bare hands (bad idea, by the way). "I've had four so far, including you."

That caught her interest and she immediately started asking questions. "Creations like me? Who are they? Where are they? Will I ever see them here?"

"Slow down with the questions," Arashi told her, sweat dropping, but she didn't look like she'll be disinterested anytime soon. So the other sighed. "Well, the one that came after you was Esher. She's currently in Kou right now."

"Ohh, so kind of like a Kou creation that you made?"

She saw the corner of her lips twitched up into an amused smile.

Not quite.

"No, she's not a native."

She made a look of understanding. Je'hel went to ask but shook her head instead. She'll save that question for later too.

"And who else?"

"The third one is named Abi. I believe she's heading to Tison right now."

"Why is she heading to Tison?" She asked cautiously and the other girl didn't help alleviate her suspicion by moving on to the last person.

"Then the final one—"

"Don't ignore me!"

"—is Ellie. From what I remember she's at..." Arashi paused, before rubbing her chin in thought. She then came into a realization. "Actually, I forgot the name of the place. But I do know she's in America. Boulder, maybe?"

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