*rewritten* Chapter 1

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(The picture above is what baby hex looks like)

*??? POV*
Our leader, or alpha, gave us order to try and create life in the lab, we didn't know why she asked this, but it was an order so we went to work.

Day after day we would try new ways to create living creatures, but anytime we created one, it would go out of control, killing anything in its sight, or just die of unknown causes. We have just lost our 12th creature, we had to put it down so no one would be harmed.

We were close to abandoning this. But our leader wanted us to make at least one creature that will survive and have a life in our home base, or camp.... meh I call it a home base.

Though one day after almost a year of creating, one of the creatures survived, though we made a collar to put on this creature to make sure it doesn't end up like the other experiments.

It was a small baby fox-like creature with a curled up tail, its fur was a light green and had bright yellow eyes, the other animals working in the lab named the little fox, H1.

After finding out that the creature was stable with the collar on, I volunteered to take home this experiment to care for, since I had no kits of my own and I was the only fox in the lab, i was aloud to take him home, since he mostly resembles a fox. I wanted his name to be different,

So I renamed the little fox....


( had to rewrite this chapter since I thought of a better way to start the story, also hex is part fox, they dont know what else he is, the animal that took him to her den is also a fox, well an artic fox, well, stay tooned.)

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