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Hyunjin placed his hand on the youngers shoulder. He actually didn't know why he chose jeongin. He did have a crush on another boy, but couldn't ask him to help him with his sexual needs and when it got to hard to handle jeongin was the only person with him.

"Probably because I couldn't ask the person I liked and you were with me when I thought of it." Hyunjin looked the boy in the eyes.

"I just get so horny sometimes and i don't act like myself. Also I heard you don't really care about stuff so I figure you wouldn't mind if I used you." He kept saying. If it was anyone else he wouldn't have cared, but since it was hyunjin he did care and it hurt him. Jeongins heart broke a little more. Hyunjin didn't like him, he was actually just using him. I hate that I'm still hoping. He thought as he wiped his tears away. He then looked at hyunjin who still had his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for asking." He quietly said.

"It's ok I really didn't think it through and just went with the flow, but I swear once I ask my crush out I'll leave you alone." There it went again, jeongins heart breaking.

"Yeah... I'll be here..." he looked away from the older and fiddled with his fingers. It was a little awkward until hyunjin broke the silence.

"Umm jeongin." Hyunjin looked at him.

"Yeah..." he looked up at the elder.

"I need help." Hyunjin leaned closer and whispered to the boy. At that moment Jeongin looked down and saw why hyunjin needed help.

"What do you want me to do?" Jeongin asked looking back up at the elder. Hyunjin leaned closer the boys ear and said.

"Grind on me until I cum baby." Before biting on his ear lobe. Jeongin hesitated at first but then gained some confidence. He lightly pushed hyunjin back onto the bed and straddled his waist. He sat down onto his dick slowly, feeling how hard hyunjin was. The small boy yelped when hyunjin harshly grabbed his waist. Then jeongin started to move, he rolled his hips up and down applying more pressure with each movement. After a few more rolls hyunjin started to moan out.

"Shh your parents will hear you." Jeongin stopped moving because he was scared of getting caught.

"They're not here. They're never here." The elder said starting to move his hips upward to meet the youngers. A little while later jeongin started to bounce on hyunjins dick because he felt it starting to twitch. The elder then gripped harder on jeongins waist and moaned out, signaling the younger that he came. The small boy then got off of the older and sat at the corner of the bed while hyunjin took a new pair of boxers and pants to the restroom.

As hyunjin was changing jeongin started to think. He doesn't love me! He'll never love me! Just give up already! He's only using you! He doesn't care about your well being! And with that the young boy started crying and when hyunjin walked out of the bathroom the boy ran straight out of his house and left the elder in confusion.

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