The Break Up Part 1 Ch. 3

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Just In




The Break Up by TheRobot1

 TV » Odd Squad Rated: K+, English, Romance & Drama, [Olive, Odd Todd] [Otto, Oona], Words: 9k+, Favs: 4, Follows: 2, Published: May 16, 2018 Updated: Jun 3, 20187Chapter 3

We ended up in this beautiful garden filled with white flowers and scented of honey and nectar. The bees are buzzing, the hummingbirds are flying and the butterflies even landed on your shoulder. Even the butterflies in my stomach were outmatched by the breathtaking scenery around us. Todd plucks a white rose from above my head and places it in my hair. Now I am trembling. He approaches me even closer and moves a strand of hair from my face. With this I melt. We spend the rest of the day together and he walked me home that night. He didn't kiss me when we parted ways at my doorstep, but I didn't need it because I felt everything.

Otto's night hadn't gone nearly as good. He was still upset, eating pizza and ice cream and had done numerous things trying to take his mind off of Olive, but to no avail. He tried listening to Soundcheck, but all their songs about love made him think of Olive even more. He tried watching T.V. but there wasn't much on not involving relationships and love. So he got on to social media to see some funny memes made by his friends, and then he received a message. He knows who it's from because he recognizes the user name "O-to- the- lymp- to- the- ia" So he opens it and it reads: "Hi, I'm Olympia you worked with me when we teamed up to defeat the Weird Team. I know what's going on with you and Olive, but I might have some good news for ya." "How did you know about me and Olive?" Otto replied. "I have my sources, but I said I had good news, do you wanna hear it?" "I doubt anything will make me feel better right now." "Oh, it just might." Said Olympia. Otto felt that Olympia's news wouldn't make him feel any better, but on the flip side he couldn't feel any worse. This meant he was in a nothing to lose position, so he says to Olympia "Ok let me hear it."Olympia replies "I have this friend, she's really cute, she really likes you and I think you may know her." "That's not enough, I need more clues." Says Otto. "She always wear a green hair tie and she's a scientist." Replies Olympia. "Scientist?" Otto thinks, but the only scientist I've ever worked with is Oscar and OF COURSE, OONA! I've always wondered if Oona acts the ways she does around me, because she likes me. Now my suspicion had been confirmed. I reply to Olympia with: "So you're saying Agent Oona likes me?" "Likes you is an understatement. She's crazy about you! She talks about you all the time and every little thing you do makes her squeal with excitement. I could set you up with her, if you want." I think to myself she is pretty cute, but I'm still waiting on Olive to return, but that doesn't mean I'm going to wait forever. So I tell Olympia "I'll think about it."

Olive wakes up the next morning still beaming from the the previous day. Ready to spend her day with Todd she looks in the mirror and sees that her face has this natural glow. She proceeds to get ready, which is minimal compared to her going all out yesterday. She puts on a little bit of powder on her face and pulls her hair back into a ponytail. Then she returns to her room and picks out a comfy shirt and a pair of jeans to wear, and she remains in her slippers. She gives herself one last look in the mirror, right before the doorbell rings. She goes downstairs and when she lets Todd in he leans in the doorway and this drove her crazy. "I've got pasta." And I've got games." Olive says holding a stack of video games in her hand. "You know I never really thought I was good at video games until I had to get Otto out of one." "Let's forget about Otto." Says Todd as he comes closer to me and runs his finger through my hair. Then he says let's start with Reflex MX vs. ATV" I say "You're On!"

So about three hours later Todd and I are in a dealock tie. Both of us have won five of the ten games we played. Maybe that's why we kept tying in rock,paper, scissors because we know each other so well. Deciding we need a break from the hard games, we play Sonic the Hedgehog for an hour so we can re-cooperate, come back and break this tie. When the hour is up, "I say let's get back with Madden 18."

Another three hours later we are still in a deadlock tie. When Todd puts his arm around me and pulls me close. Then he says "It doesn't matter if we never break this tie or neither one of us win, cause we're both so great at what we do, and that's why we're so good together." After this we put on a romantic comedy and enjoy some popcorn. We laughed, I cried, we got close then at the end of the movie Todd says. "It's getting late I should head home." So I walk him to the door and before he leaves I look up to him. I look deep into his eyes and say "I must see you tomorrow." "See me tomorrow you will, my love." Says Todd before departing my yard. I go in for the night and see that I've been glowing all day.

The next morning Todd I and are on a walk and I say to him. "I want to know your interests. We've spent enough time on mine, I want to know what do you like." "Well, if we keep walking I could take you to a place that might answer that." So we keep walking until we end up at a renoun music studio. Todd takes me to a room and says "This is where I learned to play the drums." I sit in front of a drumset and look at the sheet music. "How do you understand all of this? It's so confusing." "When you've be playing long enough you know." Olive tries to play the first row, with Todd's direction. "Higher, lower, lower, no." Then he takes Olives hands and guides them to where to go on the drum. "Now you've go it!" Todd continues playing this song with Olive until the end then he says "Smash that symbol!" They were smiling and giggling in each other's faces, when he leaned in. Olive thinks to herself "This is the moment, this is it, this is when he...then he kisses me. It was so soft, so smooth, I feel a rush going through my entire body. It was perfect! Then he asks me, "Babe, you wanna know what else I'm interested in?"

He takes me to his house, his basement to be more precise and shows me his gadget garage. "Wow!" I say "You invented all of this. "In my spare time, Oscar is not the only one who can make gadgets. I could zap you up some lunch." Says Todd "No thanks." I answer. I'm still too amazed by all his inventions be interested in eating. Then he shows me how to make some of his inventions. "Now attach that rectangle there. And that's how you make a Nose-anator." I down at my watch and I say "Whoa, I really need to go." "It's a pity to have you leave, but I understand." Says Todd. Before I go I tell him. "I know we're kinda seeing each other now, but I need you to keep this a secret, cause if Otto finds out he'll go ballistic and I just haven't figured out how to tell him yet." "Sure thing." Todd says to me. With this I hug him and leave for the day.

Todd goes back in his gadget garage and looks at all his gadgets in accomplishment. He pick one up and starts moving the parts on it, then he makes a phone call. "O-T-T-O, who is this?" "Todd, formerly Odd Todd and I know why Olive left you. She's with me!" "I don't believe you." Replies Otto. "It's true we've had lunch, seen a movie and I even showed her how to play the drums." "What proof do you have?" Asks Otto. Then in seconds pictures come onto Otto's phone. One of Todd and Olive in the Garden, one of Todd and Olive eating popcorn, one of Todd and Olive in the music studio and one of Todd and Olive playing the drums. Otto drops his phone in disbelief. " Is this why she wanted space from me?What does she see in him!? What does Todd have that I don't!? What could make her want him!? He made fun of her, and took all the credit. He released a pie-nado and they were mortal enemies!? What could make her want to be with him?! Now? After all that! I can't believe it!" Then Otto stomps harshly out of the living room and get on his computer. He sends a message that reads:" Olympia, I will be at precinct 13579 TOMORROW!"

A/N: I'm sorry to inform you that I have to go back to work, so It'll be a while before the next chapter is up. So in the meantime keep reading and enjoy :)

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