Chapter 1: Corrupted Healer

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My gaze flickered over the crowd, mulling around the dingy industrial auto shop done up to look like a sanctified church. Several faces leapt out at me. Yeah, these weren't the kind of people that would stand out from the crowd, but the buzzing air flowing around them was enough to tell me that everyone seemed to think I would screw this all up.

"Name, please." A pasty hand tapping a ballpoint pen against his clipboard snapped next to my ear.

The girl standing next to me poked me in the side, forcing me out of my daze.

I cleared my throat and plastered on my most sugary sweet smile as I turned to meet the gaze of the impatient doorman. The black cassock hugging his bulging frame would have made him look very clergical and imposing if it wasn't for the shabby stitching and cheap material of the whole getup, making it look like it wouldn't be out of place at a low-rent renaissance fair. The several strands of greasy, greying hair dangling down out of his fraying hood didn't help sell his look.

When his ruddy green eyes met mine, a familiar hazy expression washed over his gaze. "Oh, uh, uh, you are..."

I dropped the cheery smile and pouted my lips. "Don't tell me you forgot all about little old me?"

His face burned a bright red as his breathing quickened. He shook his head with a rapid furor as he rushed to answer. "Oh, no, no, no. I know you. You are..." His unfocused eyes drifted towards the now shaking clipboard in his pudgy hands, but he didn't dare to answer any more.

With a shake of my head, I reached out and steadied his clipboard, turning it so I could see. With a tap of my finger, I trailed a finger down the list and stopped on a random name. His eyes blinked two times as he struggled to regained focus, confusion flashing through his expression.

Oh, crap! I realised my mistake when he spoke again. Yeah, I really should pay attention when I pull stunts like this.

"Oh yes, Joseph Fraser. I didn't recognize you in that... dress." He flashed me one more curious look as if trying to resolve some conflict behind his eyes before putting a black line through the name. Smiling like he was sharing a joke with a good friend of his, he stepped aside and waved me in. "Just make your way inside and take a seat."

Trying not to tremble, I gave a slight nod and entered the door without looking back. It's disturbing how easy this seemed.

"So, Joseph, what next?" a snicker came from my right. Shauna narrowed her eyes on me, struggling to stifle a burst of hysterical laughter. "You look like a Joseph. It suits you. It really does."

"Shutty. It worked, didn't it? I don't have to put up with this abuse." I moved my gaze over Shauna, dressed in her usual torn jeans and black singlet top combo, a flock of tattooed blackbirds creeping up from beneath her collar. Probably a good thing that I confused him enough not to question her following me in. Lowering my voice, I mumbled, "Besides, I'd rock as a Joseph."

Instead of an answer, all I heard was more smothered laughter coming from her direction. I lowered my head, feeling my cheeks burn.

Noticing my discomfort, Shauna managed to calm down her snickering, "Oh, relax, you make an adorable Joseph." She leaned close to me, the platinum hair on the side that's not shaven draped across her honey-coloured eyes as she moved. "Anyway, I can't believe he accepted that. I feel sorry for the real Joseph when he gets here."

"Yeah, I don't really get how it works. You'd be surprised what some people will accept rather than deal with my existence. Just call me Girl Freaky." I gave a very awkward laugh as I stared at my feet and yanked on Shauna's hand. "Never mind that, we need to hurry and find our seats before the real Mr. Fraser shows up and tries to talk his way in. It'll be better if our friend on the door forgets about me before then."

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