A Now Dead World

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(First off, let me just clarify that I DON'T own ANY of the characters in this story. This is purely Fan Based. Also, I've been given permission by Samuel Kim Music on YouTube to use his music, as long as I credit him. So, big shout out to Samuel Kim.)

(Also, the Copyrights of the story goes to George Lucas who gave us Star Wars, and Rick Riordan who gave us Percy Jackson.)

(I will be stating in every chapter that I don't own the characters, as I have been really excited to create this story for a while and I don't want this story taken down in any way.)

(Please enjoy the story.)
Obi-Wan POV

Thunder boomed above me. Bolts of lightning slammed down all around the structure of an old looking building that had been blasted by something akin to an explosion. The winds picked up all around me, as I struggled to hold on to the saddle I was sat on.

Just then, there was a blast of lightning behind me, and I felt the momentary feeling of weightlessness envelop me, before the scene in front of me seemed to blur away from me. The last thing I saw was the glint of bronze, the roaring of a massive creature—

I gasped awake, sweating and panting from the intense nightmare. I looked around wildly, before relaxing myself. I was in my quarters, in bed safe and sound. I looked to my side, reassured to find my lightsaber at my side.

It had been the first time in a while that I had a nightmare. Some of the images that I saw made no sense to me. Storms... Lightning... Roaring monsters... I tried wrapping my mind around it, but I still couldn't make sense of it. I had never seen or heard anything of the sort before, and it had been so long since any feeling of dread got to me.

I shook my head, ridding myself of those terrifying images—focusing so much on something that made no sense whatsoever served no purpose. I stood up from my bed and grabbed my lightsaber, switching it on and readying myself for training. Immediately upon activation, three miniature mechanical training spheres sprung to life from the far corner of the room, and started firing at me as they slowly surrounded me.

Having my eyes closed while dodging and deflecting laser bolts may seem like an impossibility to most people, especially those in the Republic, but if you were a Jedi like me—having spent years of training and studying in the ways of the Order—then it would come easily to those who use the Force, and allow it to envelop you in ways that can't be described. It had to be felt in order to understand it.

Allowing the Force to guide my lightsaber, I swung the saber to my right, hearing the high-pitched sound of a blaster bolt being deflected by my blue plasma blade. On and on this routine went, until finally I deflected a stray bolt at one of the mechanical spheres that shot the bolts. The mechanism shut down as a result.

I opened my eyes, and allowed myself to relax for a moment, brushing my tiredness to one side with gentle guidance from the Force. After settling like that for five minutes, I was ready to meet my master in the main ship cockpit. Throwing my robes on, I slowly walked in the direction I wanted. Turning right at the main hall, towards the crew lounge.

As I entered, I was met with the presence of my master—Qui-Gon Jinn.

Standing at 6'4 feet tall, Qui-Gon easily carried a powerful presence in the room, although it was accompanied by an air of casual ease. Long brown hair came just past his shoulders, and yet it was neatly combed and trimmed. His beard was also neatly trimmed. He had sky blue eyes, and despite him having a somewhat regal look, the crinkles on his face told me that he often smiled.

When looking at Qui-Gon, I was once again reminded of the fact that I had a very respected master. Many Jedi in the Order viewed the old Master as a venerable person. However, many didn't know that he was maverick most times; when it comes down to a decision, if he feels it's the right course to do so, he'd sometimes disobey the Council as a result. As a result of his rebellious tendencies and unorthodox methods, many thinking observers branded him as a Gray Jedi. Despite all this, I still viewed him in respect.

Percy Jackson/Star Wars: The Descendant of Revan and The Phantom MenaceWhere stories live. Discover now