06 | Saya...

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Yangcha remained motionless and tense, he definitely didn't like it and wanted to separate as soon as possible, but it would be very impolite of him to push her, so he sighed loudly and waited for Tanya to hear him.

"Please let me go, this is important."

"Then I'll go with you."

"Are you dumb? We had a hard time getting out of that place, I won't let you go in there again."

Tanya sighed with resignation. Besides, he was right, if she went with him, she would only be another burden. Finally she decided to let him go.

"Well, go. But if you don't come back when the sun is rising I will go in there no matter what."

"You are crazy."

"I know," she replied, going to sit in the rock again. "And if you're leaving, then do it soon."

The girl crossed her arms and looked away, waiting for him to disappear into the trees. When he did it, she hugged herself looking everywhere, she was in dense darkness and if someone wanted to kill her he could easily do it there.

Suddenly, he heard something among the bushes near the cave, Tanya's heartbeat began to accelerate, so she got up very slowly and hid behind the immense rock, covering her mouth as if that would help her with something.

The sound persisted and the girl was more and more restless, it could be an animal in the forest or one of those murderers of the Shrine. The crazy idea of going to see what it was there crossed her mind and although it was risky, he decided to do it. Anyway, if that were a murderer then it would kill her sooner or later. So with her hand she tried to find some sharp stone to defend herself in case of anything.

When she found it, she rose from the ground and and stealthily to the bush where the noise came from. Once she was in front of it, she firmly grabbed the stone and separated the bush in two willing to use her "weapon", but stopped when she saw that it was only a girl who looked about her age.

She let out a high-pitched scream and covered her face with her arms, hoping or the worst. Seeing that nothing was happening, she slowly lowered her arms with a sigh of relief and Tanya quickly threw the stone on the ground and relaxed her muscles.

"Who are you?" asked the black-haired girl. "Wait a moment... those are the dresses the Asa clan uses for the Sacred Trials..." she whispered, frowning, then she opened her eyes widely and covered her mouth with a gasp. "It can't be! Are you the direct descendant of Asa Sin?!"

Tanya made a face of disgust at that scream, if she kept talking so loudly, they were going to find them. So she put a finger in her mouth to silence and looked everywhere, although she couldn't see anything anyway.

"Yes, I am. But don't make noise or they'll find us."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized. Then she smiled and left the bush. "I'm very happy that you are safe, I was outside the Shrine waiting for news, when suddenly the guards arrive and report that there was an attack, then some warriors from the White Mountain tribe arrived and we have to run to our homes."

"I understand... And if you went to your home, then what are you doing here?"

"Well, on the way home my sister got hurt, so I'm looking for some medicinal leaves."

"Medicinal leaves?"

"Yes, it is these," she said showing them.

A male voice made them startle and they both looked at where it came from; not many meters away were 4 soldiers who had the order to assassinate Tanya, all of them were equally intimidating and with their sharp swords they were ready to kill anyone who got in their way. Just like the two girls.

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