03 | Silly Girl

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"So... you say that a dujeumsaeng could be a direct descendant of Asa Sin?" Taealha, Tagon's lover didn't give credit to what she heard.

The man nodded, this gave him many of opportunities to complete his plan to become the king of Arthdal.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. But the fact that she wore her necklace serves as an excuse."

"All right, suposse people believe you. They will put that slave in a trial where she will have to find Asa Sin's bell, what happens if she fails?" the woman asked. It wasn't that she didn't trust Tagon. It's just that she didn't think that girl had anything special.

The Union Leader gave a slight laugh.

"What do you think? She will die, of course. If she manages to find it, it's fin, if not, then i'll have to create another strategy." Taealha looked at him not very convinced. "Dear, it's our chance to defeat Asa Ron. Once he is out of the game, our plan to become Kings, can be done easily. We will have the slave in the palm of our hand," said the man looking at his beloved with sweetness, he took her face in his hands and kissed her.

That seemed to work because her face changed inmediately. After all, they wouldn't lose anything trying.


"Hey stupid, get up," ordered one of the soldiers, moving Tanya to wake up.

When she did it, the girl realized that she had fallen asleep, and worse, her head was resting on the shoulder of the soldier with the black mask. She pulled away inmediately, blushed and embarrassed.

The boy was relieved, he was very uncomfortable because he had never been so close to a woman and didn't know how to react. He took a deep breath and went to sit next to the other soldiers.

The other man who stayed with Tanya took her arm and practically dragged her to Tagon's tent.

"Well Mugwang, you can go,"said the man in the furry coat. The warrior nodded and left.

Tanya was very confused and scared. Were they going to kill her? They didn't seem to have any intention of doign that, so she relaxed a little.

"How do you feel?" asked Tagon, sitting in a chair, waiting patiently for the girl's answer.

ÑIt's a joke?" Tanya thought.

"Apart from the headache i have because of the blow i received? I'm fine, thanks for caring, Sir," she answered sarcastically.

He nodded. "Actually, your life doesn't interest me in the least. But i need you, so if you want stay alive and help your tribe, you better answer my questions."

"Questions about what?" asked the girl.

"About that... Great White Wolf? I think that was her name."

Tanya frowned. Why did that man want to now about her? Thought. In any case, she couldn't help him either.

"Then, you're talking to the wrong person, if you want to know somwthing, you should ask the Mo-"

"Mother Choseol!"

An uproar was forming outside, the Wahan Tribe was screaming desperately for the name of their danggeuri.

Tagon and Tanya quickly left the tent to see what happened. When the girl saw Choseol's body on the floor she ran towards her with tears in her eyes.

"Mother Choseol!" she shouted with all her might. She was shaking the woman's body in a vain attempt to wake her up, but it was too late: She was dead.

"No... you can't leave me," mumbled Tanya.

The soldiers watched the heartbreaking scene with indifference, the just wanted those slaves to shut up at once.

"Get the body out of there," ordered Tagon with determination.

"Don't even try!" Tanya opposed, hugging the inert body trying to protect her. In no way would she allow them to to take her away without giving her a dignified burial.

"Damn bitch... step away or i cut your throat," said a fat and intimidating man.

The Union Leader raised his hand stopping the warrior. He couldn't let her be killed before he could carry out his plan.

"What do you want?" asked to Tanya.

"I want her to have a dignified burial," the girl begged.

The man ordered them to do what she want, but no one stepped forward to lift the body. No one except the masked boy.

"Well done Yangcha, don't let her escape." Tagon went to his tent again. The warriors began to disperse and the Wahan people were still sad, although they were comforted to know that at least Mother Choseol would have a good burial.

"Yangcha... his name is Yangcha." Thought Tanya.

Both headed to the top of a nearby hill. They stopped at the foot of a large and beautiful tree. She asked him to bury the body there.

Before doing it, she took Choseol's hand and with tears in her eyes she dedicated a few least words.

"Forgive me mother... i couldn't protect you. But i promise that from now on i will do my best to help our tribe. I swear by the Great White Wolf. I will not disappoint you."

Yangcha sighed silently, watching Tanya. He reached down next to her and put his hand on the girl's shoulder. He was trying to tell her that they should come back. She understood it so she stood up, sobbing.

They went to the camp in silence. Suddenly the girl spoke.

"Why are you still being kind to me?" she asked.

The boy looked at she from the corner of his eye. "I just follow orders..." he thought.

"So when you saved me from the bear, did you also follow orders?" she questioned a little sadly, because she thought that he did it of his own.

He stopped suddenly and turned to see her better. He examined her from head to toe, dumbfounded.

"You... How is that...? Can you hear my thoughts?"

Tanya looked at him without expression. She already knew that she could do that, the girl had been listening to people's thoughts for a while. There was only one person who could never read what he thought. That was Eunseom.

By the way, Tanya just started thinking about him since she last saw him. It was before she been captured, he promised to return for them one day, but she knew that would be impossible so she didn't have much hope.

"Yes, i can hear your thoughts," answered finally.


"Impossible? I don't think so... I can hear you perfectly."

Yangcha froze for a few seconds. He couldn't belive his ears, he had to get away from that girl. "She's crazy."

"Hey! I'm not crazy," said Tanya.

"Tagon is waiting for us, we better hurry."

Then, he began to walk much faster than the girl was able, because she was very weak and injured, so each step was a torture for her.

"Wait Yangcha... i... can't..." When Tanya was about to collapse on the ground, the warrior ran to her and caught her before she fell to the floor, preventing her from getting hurt.

"Silly girl..." he sighed.

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