Jeimy x Michelle (gender switch of Michael and Jeremy lol

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Jeimy and Michelle were in Jeimy's bedroom chilling and drinking red mountain dew. Michelle has a crush on Jeimy since 4th grade ( I don't really know I just did it) It was even worse when they would play around flirting, and it made her feel bad. She was in her thoughts that she wasn't paying attention to Jeimy.

"Hey, Michelle... are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yes I-am f-f-fine" she stuttered.

"Michelle  I have known you all my life but when you stutter something is wrong," she said in a serious tone.

Michelle was afraid to say anything she gets really scared when uses a scary tone with her.

"I... um I-I mppph!" She was cut off by a passionate kiss, she was shocked but then gave in.

"Why did you do that?" She said blushing.

"Because I like you, no I love you," Jeimy said.

Tears started to form in Michelle's eyes, as Jeimy said that.

"Hey don't cry, smile my sweet Elle," said Jeimy.

"Th-thank you for s-saying that I love you too.

They kiss each other and they cuddle the rest of the day

The end this is a fluff Idk how to do girl smut but I'll figure it out. Byyyyyeeeee.

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