8| Trial Part Two

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The room was filled with the sounds of people talking. It wasn't loud just a soft murmur that typically fills the air when various groups of people were stuck waiting for something, but it was enough to let her zone out. Barba held her hand as they sat on the uncomfortable wooden bench, her head tilted down as though she were staring at the back of the seat in front of her. She wasn't. Her eyes were cut upward, boring holes into the back of the man's head she had trusted enough to let into her apartment. Why she had trusted him she couldn't figure out.

    Adam hadn't been overly charming and he didn't bother to hide the fact that he became easily jealous. He had just been, or so she thought, a regular guy. Even looking back and overanalyzing every moment they'd spent together, she couldn't pinpoint one defining character flaw that should have warned her against dating him. Two years working at SVU, watching countless creeps walk passed her, sitting in the same spot Adam sat now... some represented by the same lawyer... and still she had had no advantage when it came to protecting herself. Hindsight isn't always twenty twenty... sometimes it's just a confusing mess of blurry memories.

    She cut her eyes to the floor when Adam shifted in his chair, not waiting to see if he'd turn her direction. Definitely not wanting to get caught looking at him. Even on the stand when his name had been mentioned or Buchanan had gestured to him she had made a point not to make eye contact. She feared he'd find some sick satisfaction in it and as far as she was concerned he could have nothing else from her.

    The defense had subpoenaed Fin to testify along with Adam. They couldn't figure out why considering Fin had only met Adam the one time, but he'd been the only one of SVU to stay behind at the station for the first day of the trial.

    "Detective Tutuola. Did Ms. Stevens ever mention having a boyfriend before my client came by the station for lunch?" Buchanan was still sitting, only bothering to stand when Fin spoke.

    "No, but..." Fin tried to elaborate but Buchanan asked his next question instead.

    "Did Ms. Stevens willing introduce him or did you have to ask?"

    "I asked, but..."

    Buchanan interrupted again. "So one could assume Ms. Stevens didn't want you to know about her relationship with my client?"

    "Assumptions tend to be incorrect."

    "Maybe, still isn't it possible that Ms. Stevens may have had other relationships that she never mentioned to her coworkers?" Buchanan was turned, talking to the jury more than Fin.

    "Yes." Fin clipped, clearly agitated.

    "That makes it possible that Ms. Stevens could present herself differently depending on who she is around?" Buchanan lifted a brow, turning back to the detective.

    "I doubt that." Fin huffed.

    "But you wouldn't know would you?" Buchanan asked, adding, "No further questions" before Fin could respond.

    McCoy didn't even bother to stand. "Why didn't Ms. Stevens introduce the defendant the day he stopped by for lunch?"

    "Because she knew from the tone in my voice that I planned on teasing her." Fin answered.

    "And when she returned from lunch?" McCoy lifted his voice to indicate the question.

    "She tolerated all the nosy questions we had." Fin smirked.

    "How often are personal relationships talked about at work?" 

    "Hardly ever."

    "No further questions." McCoy stated.

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