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(Outside the hotel)
Sophia's P.O.V
"Hey sophiaaaa" Payton says grabbing your hand
"Leave me alone Payton." You say with no emotion
"You know you want me babygirl" he says
"No I don't. I actually hate you to be honest." You say
"You don't mean that babe" he says
"Yes I Do so LEAVE.ME.ALONE." You yell the last part
Josh comes over
"Hey she said leave her alone payton" he says while grabbing my hand
"Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?"Payton says while staring at him
"Let's go josh, I'm tired of today already." You say while tugging at his arm
"No I want to see what he will do about it." Payton says
"Payton you are just a fuck boy,like an actual fuck boy. And any girl to date you is the dumbest girl alive. No wonder why your dad left you." Josh says
"Oh you'll regret that!" Payton gets on top of josh and starts to punch him
"Payton! Stop!" Chase comes to you guys and yells
"Payton,Payton calm down okay? Payton look at me!" You say
Payton stares at you
"Calm down okay?" You say
"You are going to hurt him if you don't stop." You say to him
All of a sudden josh moves you out the way gets on top of Payton and starts beating him up
"Josh! Stop it!" You yell
You try to grab josh but instead he hits you
"OMG I'm so sorry Sophia" he says while looking at you
"Yeah okay."you say while getting up
"Are you okay?" He asks
"I'm fine. Just leave me alone please." You say
Payton's P.O.V
When josh mentioned my dad I just felt nothing but rage. I wanted to kill him. But somehow Sophia made me calm I don't get it man. Josh was just pinching me and I felt nothing. Then I heard Sophia say ow. I look up and see josh hit her. I wanted to say something but I was in shock josh had the audacity to jump on me when he knows I have a weak spot for Sophia-


Too much tea- hope you guys like it!

Player; Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now