IV. The Beach

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After eating, Tharn and Type decided to take a walk along the beach together

The beach was less crowded which both of them had hoped for. It was relaxing and silent aside from the sound of the waves crashing against each other

As the two continued walking, when Type suddenly stopped at his tracks. As Type was walking infront of Tharn, Tharn also stopped.

Type then closed his eyes and slowly breathed in the briny aroma of the sea. His pale lips curved upward. Scrunching his toes, he felt the softness of the sand. As he opened his eyes, he gazed upon the far off horizon.

At times like this, Type knew that he was at peace, that he was untroubled

As Type stayed focus on the beach, he didn't noticed that Tharn, now standing by his side, was looking at him the whole time

Smiling, Tharn then stole a kiss on Type's cheek and ran towards the water.

"I'Tharn!", Type exclaimed

Type curled his first and prepared to throw a punch but seeing Tharn already running in the water, laughing, he smiled and relaxed his fist

As the water began to rise to his feet, Tharn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it back to where Type was standing. Tharn, now half naked, stood on the open water where the rays of the sun bathed on his body highlighting the muscles on his chest and on his abdominal

 Tharn, now half naked, stood on the open water where the rays of the sun bathed on his body highlighting the muscles on his chest and on his abdominal

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Seeing Tharn shirtless, Type swallowed a plum. Even though he already saw Tharn's body alot, looking at him was inviting enough to make Type's hands explore his body

Type's eyes then slowly travelled down Tharn's body which Tharn noticed.

Tharn smirked, "Ey Type, your eyes can already eat me whole"

Pulling himself back together, Type snapped out of his daydreaming,

"Shit Tharn!"

Tharn, seeing Type's face flush to red, laughed

"What are you doing? Put your shirt back on!" Type yelled

but Tharn, now in waist-deep water, only ignored his demands

"I'Tharn, don't go too far. I won't rescue you if you drown"

Ignoring Type who was screaming after him, Tharn continued to go deeper. When Type realized that no matter what he said, no matter how much curse came out from his mouth, Tharn won't listen to him. He then sighed and carefully sat on the sand, attentively looking at the man swimming meters away from him.

"Ey Type!", Tharn shouted, "Come na, the water's cold!"

Type raised his eyebrow and smiled, "Chai khrup"

Truth be told, Type didn't want to go for a swim because he didn't want to, but because he enjoyed watching Tharn play in the water like a kid. Seeing Tharn happy was enough to make Type feel the same. As Type smiled, his stomach became warm

TharnType: HoneymoonWhere stories live. Discover now