III. The Meal

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It was morning of the following day. After dozing off from the tiredness and fatigue due to what they did last night, travelling, the two started their day late.

As usual, Tharn woke up earlier than Type. He took that time to exercise, listen to music, and take a nice warm shower.

After putting on some clothes, Tharn walked towards the small kitchen to cook Type breakfast. Tharn didn't have the skills at cooking. Back in their room, he would always wake up early to buy breakfast for Type, but this time, he would try to cook breakfast for Type because he wants to show his sincerity to the man he loves.

Tharn opened the fridge and noticed that it was pretty much empty except for the some egg, ham, and a couple of fresh vegetables.

This will do

With the ingredients already prepared, Tharn stood behind the stove and tried to cook the tastiest breakfast for Type. A few minutes later, a voice startled him

"When did you wake up?"

Tharn was so busy cooking that he didn't noticed Type waking up. Hearing Type's voice, Tharn turned around and smiled

"Earlier than you khrup" He said softly

Type smiled faintly. As Type stretches his neck, the aroma of food lingers into his nostrils. He then looked over at Tharn and noticed that he was busy cooking. Seeing his hubby cook for him made his heart flutter

"Ey Type, I made breakfast"

Type nodded and then got out of the bed. He hesitantly sat down at the table and watched Tharn bring over a plate of ham and eggs. As Tharn placed the food infront of Type, Type looked at it and then looked up to Tharn

Type knew that Tharn does not know how to cook, and truthfully, he was a little nervous to eat the food

"You sure this is safe to eat?" Type teased

Tharn tensed up in his seat, "Don't worry I didn't poison that"

Type didn't stopped himself from smiling, "U-uh, I'm going to eat it", He said as he took a spoonful into his mouth

With bright round eyes, like a puppy waiting for his master to be fed, Tharn anxiously waited for Type's comments

"Sooo?" Tharn asked, patiently waiting for an answer


"Is it good?"

"Yes khrup" Type smiled

As content settled in, a big smile formed on Tharn's face. He then leaned forward and began to eat his food. Type then chuckled, almost spitting out the food inside his mouth, when he saw Tharn's face twisting at the taste,

"It's not so bad," Tharn said as he forcedly swallowed the food down his throat

It was always Tharn who teased Type, but this time, it was the other way around. Seeing Tharn's reaction, Type let out a loud laugh

Tharn dropped the fork on his plate and sighed heavily

Noticing Tharn all gloomy and annoyed, Type suppressed his laughter and then looked at Tharn.

He then held his hand, "Thanks for cooking, I appreciate it"

Tharn's face shined bright like the sun. From being down, he instantly became bright-eyed and lively. With a big smile on his face, Tharn looked up to Type, "As long as it's for you, I'd do anything"

Type bit his lip and instantly withdrawed his hand, avoiding eye contact with Tharn

"U-uh", Type nodded, "Let's eat outside"

TharnType: HoneymoonWhere stories live. Discover now