Being soft is okay. Being vulnerable is okay. We have heen so caught up with the negativity of this world that it made us want to be tough hard. And still, it is okay. It's okay to be afraid of being too kind. It's okay to be afraid of getting hurt by the world. It's okay to fear and step back---to build yourself a wall. It's okay to guard yourself. I just hope that you won't forget how nice it is; how nice it is to be soft, to be vulnerable, to open up your heart. I hope your kind precious soul would not be tainted enough to make yourself forget the beautiful pure things that life can offer. I hope you can still try to be kind and soft at heart even when you're fighting a tough battle. 'Cause maybe, just maybe, vulnerability isn't always a bad thing.
3:59 pm
Poetry"How can I loosen these tangled thoughts? How do I get rid of this wary feeling? Should they be freed or should they be wrought?"