Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

I know I wasn't being good at being a tease but I loved him so much and I couldn't let him go through all that pain. So we were currently in my house,which is empty for once aimce it was the morning on my birthday and he had me pinned on the wall.

"I love you" he said and kissed me

"I love you too" I said and we walked out of the door.

He drove me to school today and we got out and walked in the building hand in hand and people smiled, laughed,cooed,and snarled at us. People even wished me happy birthday which Zayn still hasn't done. That's when we arrived at my locker where Louis and harry were waiting for us at.

"Finally you losers get here, happy birthday Liam" Louis said

"Happy birthday Liam" Harry and Niall said.

"Why is everyone at my locker like this?" I asked then opened my locker and confetti flew out along with a few balloons that were crammed in there.

"What the hell!" I shouted as people stopped to watch the action of a circus fall out of my locker.

"Well I wanted to say....HAPPY BORTHDAY LILI!!!!"Zayn yelled and I smiled the biggest smile ever

"Awe Zaynie, you shouldn't have"

"Ah but I did" he said then I had to whisper in his ear

"No I'll have to repay you" I whispered and he froze,stiffened yet shuttered a bit.

"Hey look what Zayn did for his boyfriend!" A girl yelled and more people came.

"Kiss me, give them what they want"

"I gotta hug ya first" I said then hugged him really tightly

"Can't breathe" he mumbled so I let go and stood on my tippy toes to be taller than I already am, and cupped his cheeks and kissed him as I stood flatly on the ground again. His arms were around my waist so I snaked mine around his neck. And the cooing got louder and there was clapping.

"And I sat here thinking you forgot" I said as I smiled and he shook his he'd and closed my locker.

"But where's my stuff?"

"In my locker "

"How'd you know my combination?"

"I watched you put it in yesterday so I came back yesterday and set it up to when you opened it that would happen."

"Well I loved it Zayn" I said as we walked, the others had all scattered and along with them was the rest of our click.

"Good, I'm glad you did" he said as we went to his locker

Which he opened and there was my stuff and his.


Lunch rolled around and I was my favorite part of the day cause we got to eat,get on our phones,talk, and it was longer than a class period. I spotted the boys at our usual table that's when someone stopped me. Lillian.

"Hey" I said and she pulled me as Zayn watched and frowned

"What's up with you and Zayn?"

"Ah, love is the answer I'm gonna give you" I said

"Watch he'll fuck you tonight then leave you next week"

"He won't he promised"

"And he breaks promises"

"Whatever you don't want me to be happy" I said then walked away to our table where the click was.

"What was that about?" Zayn asked

"You and her conspiracy" I said and he laughed and shook his head

"No, I love you, remember that"

"I will, cause I know you do" I said and went over the table and kissed him

"No PDA here....we're trying to eat" Louis said

"Whatever suck it" Zayn said

"I already have" he fired back that's when Harry and I both kinda looked down or away,we felt awkward talking about when they did.

"Sorry Harry and Liam" Louis said and Zayn had the same response

"Babe, just forget we said anything" Zayn said and I fake smiled and nodded.

"Is anyone up for a party tomorrow, it can be like a late party for Liam?" Louis asked

"I guess, were not doing anything tomorrow night" I said looking at Zayn who nodded in agreement

"Then party at mine it is bitches!" Louis yelled and we all high fived him.

I was honestly scares for what Zayn had up his sleeve for tonight.

A/n: sorry for the wait!!! But another chapter guys yyaayy and the reads progress is going up I'm happy!! :) can u see my smiling through the screen? Course not you don't know what I look like! I'm gonna stop rambling.
Make sure you comment, like even if you have ideas for a story I might use it ya know, the more help the better.

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Bye my lovelys

Liam The Tease (Ziam) Where stories live. Discover now