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Y/N: I told you using Kamikaze would work and it did.

Hero: Yes, but I would have liked to win without having to resort to that move, and besides Ganondorf was still able to take you and Link out after grabbing the Smash Ball.

You sighed remembering the fight, Hero had performed Kamikaze which did get rid of Bowser, while you performed Onslaught and knocked Wario out. But neither you, Hero, or Link were paying attention to Ganondorf grabbing the Smash Ball. Eliminating you and Link in the blink of an eye. Something told you should have went for Ganondorf instead, but you were angry at Wario for farting in your face.

Link had also said it would have been a better idea for you to fight as a Sword Fighter instead of a Brawler for the that battle. Now you guys were kicked out of the Three Team Tourney. But you were planning on heading towards the Single Man Tourney, but you would be fighting as a Gunner instead. But first you were going to get a nice cold drink after the long battle. Even though you lost you were okay with it, sure Wario and Bowser were quite arrogant, but at least Ganondorf showed some kind sportsmanship with a hand shake.

Y/N's Thoughts: They literally were taken out and yet they want to brag about winning, when Ganondorf was the one carrying their team!

Taking a swig of your soda you sighed feeling the drink go down your throat and that was when you heard two fellow smashers talking as they walked by. Pit and Palutena to be more precise and it seems as though Pit was trying to talk the Goddess of Light out of something.

Pit: Please Lady Palutena, I believe you should take a break to cool off, it's not good to keep fighting after--

Palutena: After what Pit? I keep telling you those losses were just flukes, I know what I'm doing so please stop bothering me!

Pit:. . . . . Yes, Lady Palutena.

Palutena: Good now I'm going to be signing up for the next tourney.

The angel watched his goddess walk off towards the sign up for the next Smash Brothers Tournament but was very worried about her. Pit had been trying to get Palutena to take a break from these battles but she was not listening. Heck, he's even tried to get Dark Pit to help convince her to stop and that didn't work. 

Y/N: Hey Pit what's wrong?

Pit turned greeted you with a hello before speaking.

Pit: It's Lady Palutena, I've been trying to get her to stop with the battles and take a break but she's not listening to me. I've tried because she's had a severe losing streak lately.

Y/N: Oh, I've hard she's lost to Rosalina and Bayonetta but I didn't think it was that bad.

Pit: It has, she's also been defeated by Olimar, Zelda, Peach, Terry, Hero, Joker, Jigglypuff, Lucas, Sonic, Mega Man, Kirby six times, and just now Donkey Kong, and he didn't even lose a stock!

Y/N: . . . . . . Wait she lost to Jigglypuff? Did she get hit with the Rest combo? And Olimar too, dang I mean I beat him and Alph yesterday like it was nothing!

Pit: That's not the point, the more she loses the more it's getting to her, but if she takes a break maybe that'll help her.

Thinking about this for a moment an idea came to your head.

Y/N: Pit, I've got an idea that could probably help your goddess, but I've going to have to ask Master Hand to do a little changing in the bracket once I sign up. Besides, he owes us for saving him from Galeem and Darkhon.

Pit's eyes widened in fear knowing what you had planned, this could be either good or bad in the end. And the angel was leading to bad. Knowing your battle style involved a lot of taunting. Something that allowed you to win against favored fighters like Lucina or Ken.

Smash Bros House #1: Palutena x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now