I am worthless

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I feel worthless..

I am worthless

I feel like no one cares..

I wanna just hide away and just stay there forever and see if anyone will miss me...

I just feel like I’m being used..

No one cares, so why am I living?

I shouldn’t even be living if no one cares or even likes me..

I’m sure people talk about me behind my back and just use me for dumb reasons.

I’m Worthless. I’m ugly. I’m fat. I’m just a horrible person that doesn’t deserve to live.. 

I wanna be done...

Does any one really like me?

Do people talk about me?

Do I have real friends or fake ones?

Why am I living?

I’m worthless

Everyone hates me...

I hate me....

I don’t wanna live, I wanna die. I wanna die and see if anyone will care or even miss me...

I can name 1,000 reasons why I should die..

Why was I even BORN. My birth was a mistake.. I’m not supposed to be living...

My parents wanted a boy not a girl.. I’m just a disappointment

I was just a mistake, my parents never wanted a child and if they did they wanted a Boy not a girl

I’m fat, I’m fat, i’m fat, i’m fat, i’m fat, I’m fat

I’m ugly, i’m ugly, I’m ugly, I’m ugly, I’m ugly, I’m ugly

I really wanna know how many people would stick up for me...

treat me like Im’ the best person in the world..

I try my best to help people..

They don’t seem to try for me

They don’t seem to care about my feelings

I wanna talk to God and ask him Why i’m living.... I have no purpose to be

All my happiness and smiles are all fake. FAKE!

I’m trying to be a better person, but i’m being fake.....

Everyone seems to believe me

Everyone thinks I’m happy

When I’m dying inside

Think I’m perfect

When I’m dying inside

Call me “pretty”

When I think I’m ugly 24/7 no matter what

Think I’m nice

When actually I wanna scream at everyone and just leave and die...

Die. Dying sounds like a good idea..

Goodbye everyone....forever.....

I can't take full credit. My best friend Mackenzie D.Z. also helped write it.

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