Chapter 18

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Days laterAteez Headquarters

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Days later
Ateez Headquarters

Y/n glanced around at the boys who were working hard, their bodies were much stronger. Y/n was a great leader, which she was praised by Hongjoong when she would finish a demand. She knew Hongjoong was the actual leader but still kept the part.

"Great! That was perfect Wooyoung." Y/n moved her vision from the punching bag to The voice. She saw Yunho Refereeing while Jongho showed Wooyoung how to do perfect hand to hand combat. Y/n put her attention back to the punching bag.

She didn't really notice how hard and how much emotion she was putting into each punch. She just imagined the bag was the person who took Bobby. Taking a second to stop, Y/n held the Necklace with the ring on it tight.

"I'll get you back, and don't worry they will pay. I'll kill him with my own hands." Y/n punched the bag with extreme force as she let out the last sentence, this caught the boys attention.

"Woah, Y/n calm down. Don't hurt yourself " Seonghwa let out a worried sigh as he saw the girl punching the bag, every punch getting harder. Seonghwa knew he couldn't stop her so he glanced towards Wooyoung for help.

"Y/n, Stop." But she didn't. She punched harder.

"Y/n Stop!" Wooyoung ran to her as he noticed her sniffles and the tears running down her face as she punched even harder with more force.

Y/n stopped and sobbed in Wooyoungs arms. The boys felt so bad for her, they knew she and San have been through so much. But even San had people to understand him, Y/n didn't. She was alone in a world where nothing made sense until she met Ateez.


It was hours later when Y/n woke up, all she could feel was a head leaning on her hand, which was intertwined with another. Opening her eyes, mumbling curses as the light burned her eyes. She noticed light purple messy hair, which immediately told her it was Wooyoung. All Y/n could do was smile and stare at his sleeping state. She carefully moved his head and hand from hers. Standing up she lightly held him up with her shoulders and carefully placed him on the bed.

Walking down stairs, Y/n glanced at the time and saw it was still early. She could tell all the boys were asleep as the lights were still all off. Deciding on treating them, she took out a bunch of ingredients and made them breakfast. The first ones up were obviously the chaotic Duo, Wooyoung and San. Y/n could hear the arguing about the bathroom. But the first down stairs were the oldest, Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

"Woah, you're the one cooking Y/n? I thought it was the Maknae line trying to burn the house down again." As Hongjoong laughed at Seonghwa's remark, Y/n just smiled and asked the two if they'd kindly set the table.

"WOAH, WHO'S COOKING?!" Y/n laughed loudly when she heard the thump on the floor. Obviously that being Woosan. She brought all the dishes to the table, with the help of Jongho and Yeosang.

"Y/n! You're okay, and you cooked? Wow, we have amazing friend."

Y/n shook her head slightly laughing at Yunho'a little remark. Everyone started eating when the doorbell rang, Y/n offered to get it as she knew who it was already.

"Yoojung, Soojin! Glad you could come. I made you some breakfast, go see the boys." Y/n smiled wide, Hugging the two girls as she shut the door and walked to the kitchen.

"Hi guys! Yunhooo!!" Yoojung practically threw herself at Yunho, while the others laughed at Yunhos surprised expression. Meanwhile Soojin Went to Y/n.

"Oh, hey Soojin. You need something?" Y/n was concentrated on pouring the two girls a cup of Orange Juice as she noticed Soojins presence.

"Erm, Y/n I just wanted to thank you again. Thank you for helping us out of that hell hole, I probably would have been dead by now. Yoojung too. You really are a blessing." Y/n was about to reassure her but stopped when she heard sniffles.

"Oh my! Soojin, it's okay. I swear, I'm so glad I met Yoojung. She told me everything and when she asked if you could stay there would have never been a doubt in my mind to let you stay there. I was a bit worried as I wasn't the best of people back then, I thought I'd hurt her. But she changed me as a person and I think of her as a sister to me. You being her sister, you are family to me too. Never doubt that Soojin. You're always welcome. Always." Y/n hugged Soojin tightly, reassuring her that everything is fine. But didn't miss the opportunity to tease her,

"Sooooooooo, what's it with you and Seonghwa?"



It was a few hours before the fight, a few days after. Y/n stared blankly at the sunrise in the distance, she knew this was it. Gripping the necklace on her neck she promised herself something that morning.

"Y/n? What are you doing awake, it's 5am?" Y/n slightly jumped but calmed when she saw it was only Wooyoung.

"Just thinking." Y/n sighed, but smiled when she felt Wooyoung back hug her and rest his head on her shoulder.

"Don't think too much about it Y/n, I promise we will get him back." Y/n smiled, mumbling something after his,

"No matter what it takes." But what Y/n didn't know was what the future held for her and her group.

To be Continued..

A/n: hello guys! I'm sorry. I just haven't been mentally okay lately. But my birthday was last week along with Ateez's comeback! It was absolutely amazing and i listen to it every day. But I'm also extremely excited for BTS coming back. I do hope you all support my one shot book. I am doing a double post today, this is not the part with the fight, that will be next chapter as you asked for it all in one and not in 2. I do hope you all can forgive me. I'm doing a lot better now. I hope you all are as excited as I am! ♡

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