Chapter 4

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I was left to fend for myself, no one at all around to help. I was a child left to defend herself in a suicidal gunfight. At the speed of light he was in front of me he was as quick as a lightning strike both dangerous and deathly. "you don't seem scared why?" "becuase... Aggggh..... M-my mother o-once told me about y-you people" "what?! How does she know about our kind" "she t-told me to always expect the never ending impossible" "who is this mother of your, ill have  to KILL Her" "well unfortunately for you-" "oh please if you even say what everyone else says before they die in the grips of my capable destruction""no I wasn't becuase I could tell you everything about, her weak spots, her strengths but you will never be able to defeat her""yeah right I haven't met a person I couldn't destroy "" well there's a time for everything, becuase you see my mum was brutally KILLED INFRONT OF ME BY HER BELOVED EXCUSE OF A HUSBAND! "he did the face, the face of shock, he left a wide open  spot. His weakness. The speed I contain is nothing special but i managed to jump on him and reduce him to little movement." you do know I'm stronger than you right! "" maybe but the second you move the quickier you'll get a nife in your gut! It's your choice" "I choose the risk" he smirks showing beyond unimaginatible evil. "you don't know anything do you" "I may not know alot but I will not go back to my father no matter what even if that means dying!" "you said it not me" "he quickly took advantage of my state and his and pinned me on the floor choking me. Taking every last drop of air.

I didn't want it to end like this, I wanted to travel the world and help the weak. NO I WILL MAKE IT OUT ALIVE!." what are you doing? Stop struggling your just making it harder for yourself" "n-no...i-im....n-not.....g-going....t-to.....d-die"i tried so hard to move, hoping for something good to happen. With all of my strength I forced him off." AAAAAAGH "" wooh stop it, what are you doing? "" AAAAAGH" remember that necklace that Mary gave you? Every last strand of my strength was sapped out of me. A piece of my body had the urge to lift, forcefully revealing its true purpose. The brightness shone around me lighting all my wounds, and healing them so that it looked as if no crisis happened. My strength now recharging. That necklace plugged in a charger for my life force. "you have magic too!?" "I have no idea what your talking about but no matter what you will never get away with the thought of murdering my mother!" "no you won't you don't even know how to control it, your insecure!" "no your afraid!" "I'm never afraid! Come at me with everything you have!" "I charged at him trying to figure out his weak spot but what was it?. Before he could hit me with immense strength the necklace lifted once more and formed a protective shield so he was unable to hurt me. Finally I had the upper hand." but how? "

???? Pov:

How did that necklace form a barrier and restore her power and still have magic left. Unless...No its impossible she died by the likes of a murderer. How does she have the necklace of 'hope', she must have stole it. That necklace it controls everything she doesn't even know how to use her magic but that necklace is forcefully bringing out the magic power inside her and using it to protect her and strengthen her hits. I've never seen this type of holder magic before.


"mummy can you read me a bedtime story before you go?" "alright then how about you pick the book" "well in that case I pick none we've already read all of them, I want you to tell me a story you know and I don't" "well I don't know?" "pleeese~" "awwww okay fine you win, you know I can't reject your cute face, I'll tell you the best story going around town" "yeey" "once apon a time there lived a world without magic-" "OMG that's scary how do they survive" "are you sure you want me to continue?" "yesss I want to see what happens to this earth" "alright then.... That earth was stable until an evil spirit cursed the land and destroyed hope, no one but one survived... The first ancester of the greatest power holders to be known currently... She explored ancient ruins for years noting all the mystical drawings and many more...however one day she was searching around a cave and stumbled upon a horrifying beast....... "

A/u pov:
Find out what happens in the story to the ancient ancester in the next chapter.... And don't worry it won't be long chapter 5 will be out in no time. Maybe this weekend(11/01/20 or 12/01/20)thanks for reading love you~borahae kittens.💜💜💜

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