{Secret 4} Helping Sehun

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(Sehun's POV)

"What the F**k?! What the hell are you thinking?!"

"Keep quiet! You will disturb his rest!!"

"It's not my fault!! Tell Jongdae to stop groping my butt!! I'm not gay!!"

"Yah!! Shut up or I'll kick you all out!!"

'Who the hell could all of them be?! Why are they so noisy? I can't even rest properly.." I thought to myself before slowly opening up my eyes. To my surprise, all of my classmates were surrounding me. I then immediately sit up on my bed only to get a painful headache.

"Argh!! Damn it hurts!! I'm so gonna kill it!!" I said angrily, not knowing that I startle everyone.

"Yah! Minxi!! I thought you said he won't turn all crazy again?! He just said he wanted to kill himself!!" I heard Kyunggie shouted to Minxi and hide behind Tania.

"Shut up, Kyunggie.. He's just having a headache.. Sehun ah.. Are you ok? Do you need some water?" Minxi ask me while handing me a glass of cold water.

"Thanks Minxi.. My headache is killing me!! I don't even know what caused it!!" I said and gave a smile to Minxi before gulping all the water down.

"Erm.. It actually was because of me.. I'm sorry Sehun.. I shouldn't have done that.. I know you were trying to protect me from getting into trouble but I never thought of it that way.. If it weren't for Minxi, I myself won't even realise my own action and mistake.. I'm sorry bro.. I really hope you could forgive me.." Jongin said, shifting my attention to him.

"It's ok, bro.. I know.. I should also say sorry to you.. I shouldn't have punch you.. It was not a right way to settle this.. I'm sorry for it.." I said and pulled Jongin down to give him a bro hug.

"No.. It's ok.. I deserve that.. After all, I made you suffer till you even faint.." Jongin said after releasing from the hug.

"Wait what?! I faint?! When? Because of what?! I couldn't have faint just cause I punch Jongin's face right?!" I ask only to make each of them look at each other.

"Erm.. Actually, you have been sleeping for a day and a half.. What cause you to faint was because you were dehydrated from crying and stressing yourself too much.. That is why, you are given a medical leave from the school for 1 week.. It's for you to rest fully and recover fast.." Minxi said and hold my hand.

"What?! For that long?! I don't want to stay at home!! It's so boring!! And since when I cry? I never cry.. I'm a man and man don't cry.." I said and pout angrily, only to make Minxi and Jongin laugh.

"Oh yeah? Then what about that time when you cried till you had a high fever for 3 days just cause me and Minxi fought with each other? What about it then?" Jongin ask and that made me blush real hard.

"Fine! I admit defeat but still, that was before.. Now, I'm a full grown man and I will swear to never cry again!" I said and all of them laugh at me. "But.. Who will accompany me then? Mom and Dad are away for a business trip and I don't want to be stuck here all alone with my bodyguards and maid.. They all think low of me.. They treat me as if I'm still a baby.. I don't want that.." I whine, stating it clear, mostly to Minxi and Jongin, so that they would stay over like how we use to be.

"I'm sorry Sehun.. I can't.. I have to help Joonie with presidential duties.. As you know, I'm the ex president and I need to help Joonie to get used to his title and responsibility.." Minxi said and pinch my cheek. I then look at Jongin.

"Opps! I'm not available too.. I need to practice my choreography for my upcoming company concert.. I also have lots of schedule photo shoots today.. Bian.." Jongin said and I became sullen. 'Why are all my best friends is not free today? What a luck I have..' I said to myself. Just then, Tania spoke, seemingly blushing a little.

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