Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV

Elsa held her now frozen sister and sobbed. She had lost everyone and was all alone. "Oh Anna, how did it come to this?" Elsa whispered. That question caused her to play back the past couple days and it all lead to one person. Hans.

An explosion of anger went off in her heart. If he hadn't asked Anna to marry him they would have never fought and no one would have found out about Elsa's powers. Anna would have never come looking for Elsa and her heart wouldn't have been struck by Elsa's ice powers.

Now Reader, when most people lose someone they love they tend to want to find someone to blame, even when it's no ones fault. This, dear Reader, is what has now happened. Elsa found someone to blame. This caused Elsa's heart to freeze into pure hatred. She only had one goal now: Revenge.

She stormed into the castle she once called home. "Queen Elsa!" A guard said kneeling. "Where is Princess Anna?" He asked. "Anna is dead," Elsa said, "And if you do not tell me what I need to know you will freeze like she did." The guard's eyes widened. "Wh- what do you need to know?" He asked terrified. Elsa leaned toward him, "Where is Prince Hans?" The guard gulped.

Elsa burst into the room and all eyes looked toward her. In the middle of the room was Prince Hans. "Queen Elsa," he bowed, "Where is Princess Anna?" He asked rising. Elsa shot an icicle as black as night at him and stopped it right in front of his throat. Women screamed and children hid. "Queen Elsa what are you doing!?" Hans asked not daring to move a muscle. "Anna is dead because of you!" She yelled, "She was the last family I had. If you had never come to Arendell none of this would have happened! Now you have to pay for what you did!" She yelled with no mercy in her eyes. With one swift move of her hand the icicle went through his throat and thus, Queen Elsa of Arendell committed her first of many murders.

As many know revenge never gives you peace and this brutal murder only left her with a bigger emptiness in her heart and left her more bloodthirsty.

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