Chapter 2: Sunny Danvers

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    The evening sunlight shown beautifully through the window at the end of the hallway, making the bright colors that were decorated throughout the long hallway, appear even brighter than intended. It was beautiful. An amazing way to come home.

     Kara walked down the glowing hallway, all the way to the end, where her apartment door stood. It had been a long, hard day at work, and she was ready to get into her pj's, plop onto the couch and watch movies with her boyfriend. Nothing sounded better to her right now.

     She dug into her purse looking for her keys as she walked forward, taking the last steps leading up to her door. "Ah-ha!" Kara cheered to herself quietly as she pulled her set of keys out of the bag. She put it into the lock, careful of how forceful she was. There had been many times when she had first come to earth, that she ended up snapping the key, and getting it stuck in the lock. Ever since then, Kara was always extra cautious about unlocking things. She smiled at the memory and opened the door.

     "Hey babe!" A calm but happy voice greeted her as she came in. Smiling now wider than before, she looked up at him in surprise.

     "Mon-el! I thought you were working later tonight..? Kara questioned, happy to see him but very confused. She walked up and gave him a quick kiss.

     "Nope. I wanted to surprise you!" He shook his head happily, with a big, genuine smile on his face. Kara let out a small giggle. With just being around him, all the stress and annoyances from earlier in the day, just disappeared.

     Kara just stood smiling at him. "Well, go on! Go get dressed!" He motioned with his head towards the bedroom. "We gotta leave soon!" Mon-el finished, smiling big.

     "Leave? Where are we going?" Kara questioned, for this was the first time she had heard of any plans on this lovely Tuesday night.

     "I figured since today marks our five month anniversary, I'd take you somewhere special." Mon-el explained, clearly excited that he had kept it a secret for so long. Kara was super hard to surprise with things like this. She would always find out. It was never intentional, but Mon-el was determined to pull of some sort of surprise for Kara, and this time, it worked!

     "Aww!! Wow- Its so hard to believe that we've been dating for five months now." Kara thought out loud. She smiled in excitement. "You're so sweet." She said, her face melting. She cared so much for him.

     "I love you." He looked into her beautiful eyes. When she smiled, her whole face smiled. She just looked so happy.

     Kara smiled even wider at his statement, although she had yet to say it back. Oh how she yearned to say it back to him. Every bone in her body told her to. But once its out, its out.. There's no taking back such powerful words. Her brain overruled her heart, and she decided to stay quiet.

     He smiled at her ever so lovingly. "Baby, we probably should get going soon.. Our reservation is at 6:45, and by the time we get there..." He trailed off. Kara caught the drift.

     "Oh, right!" She started to walk into the bedroom, but stopped. She poked her head around the corner, back into the kitchen where Mon-el stood. "Where are we going?"

     "It's a surprise!"

     "But I don't know what to wear." She half way pretended to complain.

     "Just wear something nice. I'm sure you'll look beautiful in whatever though." He shook his head at her and let out a small laugh. Kara lets out an over exaggerated sigh in defeat as she sprung back around the corner, making Mon-el laugh.

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