I'm Hired?

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The sky was staring to cloud over as I pulled my hoodie hood over my head to protect me from the rain. It was a rather cold sumer day for mid July when I wanted to go job hunting and to my luck there was not a single place going to hire some random teenage girl out here on the streets. I lived in a nice home and didn't really need much but something to do after school it was not that hard or it shouldn't be hard to find a small job I can do right? I kicked a can on the idewalk as I walked down as the first few drops of rain fell from the sky. As I walked there was a certain poster that stuck out on a unmarked wall that seemed to be there for a while since it looked weather beated and old. I wonder why no had taken it up. I plucked it from the walls and looked it over.

The ad was a small and simple one. A family was looking for babysitting for there children and from what the flyer states there are all boys. I could handle them since I had tackled taking care of kids in the past volunteering at the local daycare some of my days. So I pulled out my phone and dialed the number on the flyer and waited for someone to pick up the phone. After a few rings someone picked up and I was met with a happy little voice coming from the other line.

"Hello?" The young boy answered. I smiled to myself and spoke to the boy.

"Hello my name is _______. May I speak to your mother or father please?"  I asked politely. There was a sound from the other end of the line as I moved under an awning to shield myself from the rain and waited for the little boy to give the phone to someone else. After a small pause a womans voice spoke on the phone. Her voice was quiet and scared like and it was really unclear why.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hello ma'am my name is _______ and I had found your flyer for a babysitting job I wondered if it was still available?" I asked. The woman seemed to lighten up her tone and relax with me on the phone.

"Ah we wondered who would call about that. Yes the job is still available and when could you start?" She asked.

"Any time and I would need to know where to go since the flyer I am holding is a bit weather beaten. I can come over tomorrow or later today to meet you if you wish." I replied. There was a small noise coming from the other end of the line and again she returned to her scared voice.

"My husband will send a car for you, where are you now?"

"On the corner of 2nd and Okano lane, under the bakery awning."

There was a click and that ended phone call as quickly as it had started. I waited confused and decided to sit down at one of the outdoor tables that was covered and wait with my sketch book. After drawing for a breif time there was a black car thay pulled up and a man with long white hair stepped out of the back with a lot of black and red clothing. He wore one of those vampire capes and pulled it off even if it was July. He came over and sat down in the chair opposite of me. He looked up with red eyes and smiled at me.

"Hello, My name is Karl Heinz and I heard you had called about the babysitting job at my home. My wife Christa had picked up the phone and talked to you." He said kindly. I placed my sketch pad back into my bag and extended my hand. He shook it and I smiled.

"Yes she told me you would send a car. But I did not think that you would come yourself sir. I spoke to one of your sons as well but it wa only one word. I look forward if I get accepted to do the job to meet and help care for them as many as you have sir I am sure I will be able to handle them."

He chuckled and stood up. "Come you must talk it over with my wife." He siad and I followed the man to his car. Inside there was a small child with him. He looked to be no more than six and he had his face in a book. I could tell he had the same eyes as his father and his little glasses made him look even more adorable, well with what I could see of him. "That is Reiji. He is my second born son." The boy looked up at his father at the mention of his name and closed the book.

"Its nice to meet you Reiji," I said extending my hand and he gave it a shake. "My name is_____" Reiji just went back to his book afterwards. I loked over to his father thinking there was something else he would tell me but he went to a silent state until we arived at his home. The driver went around and opened the door giving Karl Heinz a bow as Reiji followed his father and I exited last. The house or mansion more like appeared in my vision. The large gates of metal shining behind me as we walked into the home. Reiji bowed his head to his father and then proceeded up the stairs to his room I guess.

"Come and follow me please. We must meet my wives." Karl Heinz said while walking to the living room. Wives? He has more than one!? Then how many kids does he have? I followed him not wanting to get lost in the home and in the room sat three lovely woman. The first had a young boy with blonde hair and lovely blure eyes sitting at her feet. She looked just like the boy and she watched him in full wonder and love. Making me think that there was something wrong with this picture it seemed to perfect. Reiji had walked into the room and sat next the the blonde boy and he gave him a look of loathing. Maybe they did not have a good relationship.

The second woman was wearing a long black gown that showed to much of her chest in my opinion and three boys sat at her feet. The first was a red headed boy with green eyes much like the woman. He smiled evily at me which made me wonder about him. The next was a younf purple haired boy like the woman with a teddy bear in his hands. He seemed to shy and cute. The third was a lighter red head more orange like in my opinion and his eyes matched the first boys. He gave me a sweet smile. Then finally there was the last woman. She had lovely white hair and red eyes. She seemed so frail but sttod strong infront of her son. He matched his mother and was the youngets by the looks. He seemed a bit angry and protective of his mother.

"These are my wives and children. The first is Beatrix. And my two oldest children. Shu and Reiji. " I walked over to the three and extended my hand. Shu took it and gave it a shake as did Beatrix. "You met Reiji in the car. The next wife is Cordelia. And my triplet children. The oldest is Ayato with teh red hair, then Kanato with teddy, and finally Laito." I shook each of their hands and Cordelia gave me a look over. "The Chritsa and my youngest son Subaru" Karl Heinz introudced as I shook their hands. Subaru had a strong grip for a child his age.

"This is the girl who called?" Kanato asked. I gave the boy a smile and knelt down.

"So are you the boy who answered the phone for me?" I asked. He nodded and held up his teddy. "Teddy looks very nice in his vest." I complimented the stuffed toy and Kanato gave a small smile. Cordelia gave a nod but I didnt know for what. I looked over at Subaru who held his mothers hand. "Theres no need to be afraid but I can see you are going to grow up into a wonder young gentlemen. The most important woman in a mans life will always be his mother."  Subaru seemed to agree with me and Christa gave a nod.

"How do you feel about music?" Shu asked me. I looked over and started to think.

"I love orchestral music it calms me when I feel stressed. But when I don't have music a good book and tea is always nice." This seemed to grab both Shu and Reiji's attention. Beatrix gave a nod and then Karl Heinz spoke up.

"It seems they all agree. Well welcome to the Sakamaki household. We will have you stay here with us, while you are working here. You can collect your things later but for now we will show you around."

That was it. I was hired.

I know this is a bit different then what I usually do but this is a request from a friend of mine. And I do do requests you just have to ask. But here you go Shin-yu. Suki Desu!  

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