The first fight.

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The house grew quiet as some of the boys decided that a nap was needed after the tag war that was put on hol  wd so they could rest. I had cleaned my dishes and moved them to there respective places as I saw Christa walk into the kitchen and she seemed like she was looking for something. I turned towards her and then spoke happily.

"Hello Ma'am. Are you looking for something?" This would have to be a very hard habit to break myself of before I would be able to call her by her name to her face. The same woul go for Beatrix and Cordelia. Hell even Karl Heinz I would call sir until he told me not to which he had but still I was raised by wonderful parents who loved proper and respectful natures. I knew better than not to say no ma'am or sir when talking to an elder.

"Yes. Have you seen Subaru I can't find him." She asked her voice still small and soft. I placed the last glass in the respected cabinet and turned to her once again. Subaru was the one I had seen heading back outside since we finished playing our large game of tag. He probably was still upset somewhere with Laito with the entire Teddy scene but shouldn't it have been Kanato who would still be upset? But I had noticed that Subaru had a bit of a temper. Every child I had seen had their own form of a personality.

Shu being cared and loved by both his mother and father being the eldest son in the family and soon to be the head when he comes of age. Musically inclined and passionate for it. It makes me think about his future even i I have no blood relation to the boy. Reiji book smart but I can sense a form of wanting and longing to be cared for. Being the second born is something most people don't often wish for but they end up having it be their burden in life. And this was only from one mother. Favoritism is something no child wants to deal with.  Being the second loved and never put first even if you are dying on the inside you still are in pain from not being helped.

Then came the triplet and there own personalities. Ayato. He had a fun and happy feel when I first saw him but then it quickly turned darker as I got to know him more. He had seen something that made him this way because children are never birn the way they are. They are made they way they are. We can't control how they grow and act in the future and we can only that it turns out alright. Kanato is the sensitive one out of the six children it seems. He seemed very attached to Teddy maybe a toy from a relative he had lost. Trauma that made him this way, could answer but he seems so joyous and happy with his Teddy. He liked to sing as well. Laito had his moments that made me wonder if he would be a very 'Strange' boy when he grew up. Often making flirty or weird jokes to me as I walked by him but I brushed it off as a childhood joke. I had heard many many worse jokes.

Then there was little Subaru. He had a temper that was worse than anything I have seen as a child but then again I had only started this job and knew nothing about the boys. I was going to need to have some one on one time with them after I find him. I think I will start with him and maybe we can play his favorite game to get to know each other more. "I haven't seen him since I had finsihed giving out the lemonade. I will look for him though I wanted to spend some time with the boys one on one so I can send him back to you when I am down. But I will go now to find him." I replied sweetly. Christa nodded and left back to her room it seemed thats where she was going as I walked out to the court yard to look for the boy.

What I got was a stick to the face and an angry yell coming from the boy I was looking for. Subaru was now chasing Laito with an even bigger stick and Laito was enjoying every second of the new smaller game of tag until he was hit with the stick that Subaru had. "Ow! Subaru I am going to kill you!" Laito shouted ripping the stick from Subaru's hand. Subaru now defenseless ran for his little life as an angered Laito chased him with the stick now.

"Boys!" I shouted over to the courtyard making both of them look at me but that didn't stop Laito from hitting Subaru and then it turned into a small fist fight on the ground. I rushed over to them and pulled both boys apart and dragged them over to the table where we had just relaxed after our first chase. "What were you two doing?" I asked slighty annoyed. "Is this still about the Teddy incident?" Both boys nodded and my anger had begun to die down still repeating that they were both chidren. "Its not right to fight like this. I would like you both to apologize and then Subaru we'll have a small talk okay." Both looked at each other before muttering an apology. It was a small thing yes but it would do for now.  "Laito why don't you go play with your brothers. Subaru and I will have a small one on one." The orange haired boy left and ran back insde leaving Subaru looking nervous.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked so innocently. I smiled and shook my head.

"I want to get to know you all so lets have some time with just me and you ok?" He seemed to like this idea. He lead me up to his room and grabbed a deck of cards to play.

(Tell me what order the boys should have a one on one time with in Subaru if first)

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