Welcoming Vixie

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*Rockstar Foxys Pov*

"Hello there Darlings" She exclaimed while looking around the room. She looked to us and observed us, her eyes widen slightly when she looked over me and i could tell she was embarrassed. i could tell she would be blushing if she could. She turned her head away and looked down to see Baby and gasped lightly.

"Well aren't you just a cute little thing" she giggled slightly. She looked up and turned to us again saying "Well aren't you lovelies going to introduce yourselves?", She turned and stared me down. "Especially you handsome" she said leaning against the wall looking at me seductively. I could feel myself feeling embarrassed and whistled at her looking over her appreciatively. 

I could hear the others in the background laughing quietly to themselves. I turned to look at them and they were making kissing faces at us, i snorted looking at Bryan and Lefty as they pretend to make out. I looked over at Vixie as she was giggling lightly, i look at her metal tail see it wagging furiously.

*Bryans Pov*

I was on the ground wheezing to myself at RS Foxys face when Vixie started flirting with him. I remember that she wanted to know who everyone is. "My name is Bryan and you are in my pizzeria, the one you called cute is Baby, the one you flirted with is Rockstar Foxy, the frog is Happy Frog, the brown bear is Rockstar Freddy, the black bear is Lefty and the little bear is my assistant AI Helpy!" I explained while pointing at everyone when I mentioned them.

She smiled and looked at everyone and said "Nice to meet everyone." I noticed that she kept looking at RS Foxy out the corner of her eye. "Let us give you a tour!" I exclaimed.

*Flash forward to after the tour and after playing minigames*

*Vixies Pov*

I am on the stage on my charger about to shut down for the day. Today has been a good day, Bryan has already gone home for the day. The tour was interesting and then I found out they had a portal, we played some fun minigames together to pass the time.

Im still thinking about Foxy...He's just so handsome and kind. When he whistled at me, I felt so embarrassed.

I started shutting down, as I was turning off I felt metal lips on my cheek. Foxy kissed my cheek...

*RS Foxys Pov*

I can't wait till Vixie is done charging it was nice talking to her, as I looked at her she was turning off. I went over to her and kissed her cheek then went back to my charger.

I can't wait to see her again....

Vixen Heart (Rockstar Foxy x Animatronic!Oc) (Thefamousfilms Storyline)Where stories live. Discover now