Insanity has Claws

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Dedicated to someone special... maybe one day :3

Chapter 1: Insanity has Claws...

I'm walking down this slow path, this... dark tunnel. The moisture of the place, the smells of urine, it was its most outstanding feature, because its looks wasn't. Dark, falling apart, vandalized, it was real alright. Every step I take keeps getting heavier and heavier. I see the light at the end, as if I died, I just hoped. The blinding light got brighter and brighter until I was out. The strong winds of October wafted away the stench of piss and replaces it with a gentle sea breeze. The wind was pushing my white satin coat towards the mossy stone wall, giving me a stain to remember this day, as slow as it's been. I walked between this rock covered path, seeing how the beach appeared and hide away behind the broken walls of an ancient castle.

At one point I saw where I was. Lost in thought, I was surrounded by flora. The trees reached the sun and the place was quiet. All I heard was a cat, but this cat was unique. It was a dark gray color and it seemed to smile. How weird, a cat smiling. Then I noticed this isn't a normal place either. Such a queer place, but it felt so familiar. Have I been here before? I couldn't possibly remember, I have no memory of my childhood. Loosing myself in my thoughts, I was brought back by a young voice, but there was no one around me. It was then I saw the cat, just staring at me. It's smile grew big from one side of his face to the other.

"I said, what is your name, queer-looking boy?" spoke the cat with the voice I had heard before "Well, can you speak?"

"Uh.. I um... Alex... My names Alex." I stuttered those word as I thought of what I'm doing, speaking to a smiling cat.

"Alice... what a stupid name, so where are you coming from?" said the disturbing looking cat while it oddly climbed a tree. "I mean, obviously, you are not from this wonderland, I would have recognized you. I see all!"

He jumped towards me, and in mid air just vanished.

"Alice? ... wait.You can't possibly see all." I said while I looked where he had gone. "You would've gone mad by now."

"Heheheh, and who says I'm not? Madness is the most beautiful thing." said the cat who reappeared behind me "Trust me, you have to end up mad if you want to stay... so I suggest you wake up. See me whe you have lost your mind."

"Wait, what?" I asked, not understanding what he meant.

"WAKE UP!!" As he screamed he pushed me to the hard floor but I didn't stop falling.

I saw how I shattered the stone floor and kept falling. I saw how I was falling down underground, roots of trees hit my back and I kept looking up to where the cat was staring at me. I fell long enough to see how the hole was just light and then I stopped falling. Something I got used to doing and suddenly I stopped. Then I felt how my body became heavy but this time I was beong pulled upwards. It was painful, like someone had their arm burrowed inside my stomach and reached to pull my spine out from its place. I screamed loudly as I stared towards ths light that got closer and closer until I was passed out.

I woke up, but I didn't get up. I could feel the pain of the roots being lashed onto my back and my spine being pulled out of place. I didnt want to get up, but I had to. I looked at the alarm, it was 2:47 a.m. I sat up, feeling this pain increase with my every movement, and I reached towards my journal. There I keep written and drawn my dreams and nightmares, all with the dates and people who appear in them. My firstdream was a woman, she had a crown and was dressed in blood. She told me to stay away, to stop searching for Alice. Then I was at a tea party with three guests. There was a man, skinny but fast. He didnt stop talking about the days left till he could mate. Then therd was a small woman, maybe the size of an infant but the body of a woman. She was sleeping, how could she? The other man was wearing a very odd hat. He said he was waiting for me ever since I left. Last week was a man, he had a waistcoat and a pocket watch. He told me to follow him and he lead my to this maze, where he just disappeared. I walked along a path and kept second guessing myself until I stumbled upon a tunnel, the tunnel of this weeks nightmare. I feel my stomach asking for food, so I snapped back to reality and went to the kitchen.

I smelled the sweet aroma of morning coffee. The sizzling bacon, the toasts crunchy sound. I wasn't mistaken, May was awake. I peeped around the corner to spot her multitasking like she was used to. Toast on one hand, frying pan on the other. She looked like a mess, her scarlet hair up in a messy pony tail, light blue tank top and green short shorts. I looked at her plate and I saw the most beautiful food ever. Scrambled eggs, italian sausage, bacon chips, two pancakes and a bagel! I felt how my heart had fallen in love. I decided to sneak out underneath the table, I grabbed the bowl next to the plate and I put it on top of the glass plate. it made a small clatter that surely gave me away.

"Hey, Alex!!" she shouted as I took the plate and ran off to my room. "Get back here you stupid shitface, you fucking cocksucker!"

I barely got to my room in time. I locked the door and I was about to dive in when I got an idea.

"You better not eat a single thing or swear I will kill you, you dickhead!" she finally shut up when she got a message, then all hell broke loose "ALEXANDER HATHAWAY!!! YOU FUCKING ASS, I WILL MURDER YOU, FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! YOU DARE SEND ME A PICTURE OF YOU EATING MY FOOD?!? I'M GONNA DESTROY YOU!!!"

I was laughing. It's not always I'm happy. This moment, I won't forget it. Even if I don't live to see lunch, I won't forget breakfast. I had to stay in my room the rest of the day or else May would skin me alive and sell me as bacon.

The misterious characters from my dreams all reminded me of the ones from Alice in Wonderland. I just wondered how did I started having these nightmares? Maybe I'm just tired since I hardly sleep anymore. But it's not that I don't have a reason, I'm getting close! I found out that three of the missing girls have been found dead in a specific area, all very close from where I live!! Also I seemes to find that all females where from the ages 14 to 18 years old. I need to check out the exact location where these girls have been found and see if there's any clue left about the girls.

"May, I'm going out!" I shouted from my door, hoping she wouldn't care. "I'll be back late, I owe you one for the breakfast."

"DAMN RIGHT YOU DO!!!" she shouted from the shower "TRY NOT TO KILL YOURSELF, THATS MY JOB!"

I thought that my life wasn't even real, it felt like a comedy, a tragic life with a humorous tone.

I got my long coat and my journal and ran out the door. I wanted to take Mays Corolla but I didn't. The place I was going to has no road, in fact it's deep in the forest, straight from my backyard to the woods. I walked down a dirt road, a bit muddy from yesterdays rain. I looked up the sky and saw it was going to rain today as well. I got to thinking of what I could possibly find on my journey. A clue to what or who took these poor girls, maybe a missing body no one ever found or some sort of idea where these girls had disappeared to. I kept thinking of the endless possibilities of what I could find, until I found myself lost in thought. I looked down to my tablet, the gps was acting a bit off. Maybe the signals didn't reach this place.

I kept walking and walking, following the gps that kept pulling me further and further inside this desolate forest. I decided to stop when I saw it was already 6 a.m. I was tired, I decided to lie down. This was the first time I ever felt at peace. The voices in my head stopped, I didnt get llst I thought, I was simply at peace. That was when I jumped up to the sound of a voice. I looked around bjt I didn't see anyone.

"You have reached your destination." spoke the gps I had turned off.

I looked at my tablet and saw the gps, it said I was in Wonderland... Wonderland? As I asked myself that, I saw how my surroundings got dark, as if it was night. That was when I felt the ground sink. I tried as fast as I could to get up, but the harder I tried the faster I sunk. I was scared, my face showed absolute fear. I immediately start to fall onto a bottomless pit, something I was used to already. The difference between this and my dreams it that this was real. I kept falling until I crashed onto the floor. I felt it, I heard it, my bones breaking, my spine dislocated, the stones sticking from the ground digging into my back. The pain was almost not possible to describe, it was horrible. I felt myself die, slowly, painfully. I was so close, I can't believe it. I wasted my life on this, for what? To see myself die before I could even find a clue? Is this what I was supposed to do? Is this what the cat wanted me to do? Go mad trying to find answers and when I'm so close to getting them just... die. I was going crazy, I was far too gone to ever come back to myself. The voices in my head now fight for control. I let them have it, I wasn't going to live to see the sun... I wasn't going to live to see lunch...

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