chapter sixteen

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Hurrying to get ready for the days filming, Paul grabbed everything he needed. Once he was satisfied, he looked Jane in the eyes. "I have ta go. I'll be done around 5:30 tonight. After that we can go out for a nice dinner and talk more. Alright, luv?" She smiled weakly and nodded. Paul gave her a peck on the forehead.

Grabbing hold of the knob on the door, Paul turned back toward Jane and sighed. "Will ya please go apologise to Sarah? Inform her it was all a misunderstanding?"  "Yes." She managed to get out. "Good."

All that said and done, Paul shut the door behind him and walked down the long staircase.


There was something about Sadie Jane didn't like, but couldn't put her finger on it. She was going to try her damndest to keep a close eye on both Paul and Sadie during the duration of her stay in the Bahamas.The red head didn't feel it necessary to apologize to Sadie. She had a suspicion to be rude, but anything to make her Beatle happy!

Isn't this convenient? Jane thought, angrier by the second. Sadie's room was very close to Paul's. The wheels began turning in Jane's mind, as she knocked on the door.

Sadie's sniffling had seized. "Who is it?"

"Jane Asher. I came to apologise for my actions earlier." She cringed at what she was doing.

"Hold on a sec." Sadie said from her room, putting aside the  letter she was writing to her sister, Patsy.  Running to the private bathroom, Sadie checked herself out;making sure no tear tracks were present. She composed herself as best possible and allowed the red head to come in.

"Sarah, there was a bit of a misunderstanding." Jane spoke closing the door behind her. She found a chair and sat down. Before speaking of any sort started, Sadie lit up her customary ciggie. She was nervous. Sadie offered one to Jane, but she declined.

Blowing a cloud of smoke Sadie spoke. "There certainly is! How dare you assume something of Paul and myself without getting your facts straight?"

Jane huffed, staring the blond straight in the eye. "I-I'm sorry. I know how Paul can be with women. I just thought..."

"You thought wrong. I'm not a slut. I have my morals. He has been nothing but a perfect gentleman towards me since we came." Sadie's face filled with anger, making her turn red. Taking another drag of the cigarette, she immediately calmed down.At least the "Perfect gentleman" part was true.

Jane becoming friendlier added. "I'm sorry for being a complete bitch to you, Sarah."Jane added sincerely.  Sarah smiled fakely, stubbing the remains of the cigarette out in the ashtray. "Alright. I guess I can forgive you."

Both women smiled and shook hands. Jane mentioned something about taking a nap before a night on the town with Paul and left. Jealousy boiled deep inside Sadie's veins as Jane rubbed in this information.

Why am I getting insanely jealous over this? After the two weeks are over with, I'll never see Paul again and he and Jane will live a fairy tale life...Happily ever after! Brushing this whole love-triangle aside, she plop

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