1: A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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I refreshed the audition page for the umpteenth time, drumming my fingers on the keyboard impatiently. I scanned through the details again, even though I had read over them thousands of times, and had checked my bag to make sure I had everything I needed for today.

High-pitched laughter burst out from across the courtyard, catching my attention. I should've known better than to look up, but I did it anyway, and the breath was knocked out of me. Surrounded by a group of giggling girls, there he stood in his handsome glory, grinning from ear to ear. My first kiss, first love, first heartbreak... first everything. Leon Adams.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans, exhaling loudly. The wound was still fresh, and this was not the time to get upset all over again. Today was the day I was finally auditioning to be a character performer for Disneyland.

I had always loved Disney, and was raised in a very magical environment. My dad was a Disney Cruise Line ship captain, and my mom was a face character in Disney parks around the globe for the many years. She was now an actress in Universal Studios Hollywood. We were a bunch of dreamers, and were privileged enough to live in a happy bubble. Until now.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and the special ring tone for my twin sister's number--the Beauty and the Beast melody--rang out clearly. I fumbled for my phone and answered with a disgruntled, "Hi."

"Cheery," Seren remarked. "Have you left for the audition yet?"

"Not yet," I replied. "I still have a couple of hours. From the hundreds of audition experience videos I've watched, I've come to the conclusion that it's better to be in the last group. They said that for the first group, the judges are fresh but are very particular, then the middle groups are kinda just rushed through, then when it comes to the last group, the judges realise that they need more people so they really look closely again."

Seren paused. "That's ridiculous, Dwyn. Even if that may be true, it doesn't matter which group you're in if you're a good performer. This is just for Disneyland, not Hollywood."

"Just Disneyland?!" I exclaimed. "You do know that being a performer in Disneyland has been my lifelong dream, right?"

"It's also mine," she reminded me. She had gone for the audition that was three months earlier, the same one I had failed to pass the final round. "Just remember that it can be a bubble sometimes. It's not the world."

I was starting to get defensive. "Thanks for the pep talk. Real encouraging."

She softened her tone. "Dwyn... I just don't want to see you get hurt again. Speaking of which, did you run into that jerk today?"

I glanced up again, and this time Leon had his arm fully around a girl. I closed my eyes. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"Twin telepathy," she joked, then turned serious. "You deserve so much better than that playboy. And your fake friends. Gosh."

"I was happy," I replied earnestly. "And it doesn't matter anymore. I'm graduating soon."

"Well..." She trailed off. "Breathe. You've got this. No matter what happens, I'm proud of you, alright? And don't forget that it took me three auditions to land the part. You have the entire summer to audition again."

"I know," I sighed.

"But seriously, get there early. Being in the first group allows you to get it over and done with first, which preserves the authenticity of your emotions and dance moves."

I stifled a laugh at her seriousness. "Welp, I should get going then, if I want to be in the first group. I'll text you once I'm there."

"Do you have everything you need? Headshots, your Disney profile, details?"

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