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I started my day on a light mood and an empty stomach.
I should really get breakfast though
I slept last night.... On empty stomach thinking about the kiss I had with Felix

The fridge was empty... No thanks, to Becca
I was hurrying out of the house and shutting the door when my Landlady approached me with a scornful look

"Mrs. Beckinsale" I tried to sound escalated but this old woman creeps the hell out of me

I know she's an harmless old woman, she's short with too many grey hair, she has lost two front tooth and she talks like all her teeth are missing

I don't know how Becca does it but they are really great friends and she bakes really nice cookies.
Becca snuck some for me the other day and they tasted like heaven
reminds me of my Nana

"Ohhh Matilda.... You are still here"

"Yes Mrs Beckinsale, I live here"

"I thought... You moved out too"

"No ma'am... Becca left but am still here"

"I wonder why.... "

"Mrs. Beckinsale... I have been your tenant for years and even though you act and pretend like I don't exist. I have managed to pay my bills consistently in the last three years... So I demand a bit of respect"

"You don't pay the bills silly... Becca does and now Becca's gone"

What's she saying?

"Is that what Becca told you"

"Ohhh pls... You are acting like it's not true, You are good for nothing, demanding respect when it just a replica of your insensitive behavior, all you ever do is drink your time away and show up here drunk and trashy leaving poor Becca in a compromise situation cleaning your mess all the time "

"Whhhhaaat!! "
Okay I've heard enough
I turn to leave but she wasn't done yet

"Run... That's seem to be what you are good at"

What is wrong with this fragile old woman
I turn and raised a finger at all

"I think that's about enough.. I won't have you talk to me.... In this manner"

"And what are you going to do about it "
I sighed heavily

"Can we just try to get along or at least pretend to get along..... Pls"

"Am not going to pretend in my own house, am asking you to shoo. I can't have rotten egg on my property"

I took deep breaths .i am not going to ruin my mood for this crazy old lady

"I promise I won't bother you Mrs. Beckinsale, let's try and get along"

"Ohh Pls don't act all innocent now, why would i want to get along with you, I know...You are an horrible person, You don't have tiniest bit of human feeling.. You are so selfish"

Is this what Becca thinks of me
Am I really a terrible person
I just can't imagine how she must have felt if she could tell Mrs. Beckinsale all this

My throat felt itchy
And my eyes teary
I know Mrs. Beckinsale is a creepy old hag... No wonder she hates me so much

"Am sure, she couldn't deal with you anymore that's why she left"

This is going too far, she is trying to torment me, and it's working but if I push her right now to shut her up, she probably won't survive it

She could just die from a mere push so I tightened my fist beside me and calm my anger

"Shut up... Shut up right this minute.. Mrs. Beckinsale " I yelled at her

"And if I don't... What would you do?"

I nod my head
She's probably as old as my nana
She's frustrated and lonely
Her dog died and her husband left her for a smaller girl
I don't have to listen to this
She's just crazy

I turn on my heels and hop down the stairs

"She's better than you.... I wish you were gone instead; I'd give a special thanksgiving in church the day you finally leave my house..... You annoying brat"

She yelled after me
and I could see some of the neighbors peep at us

This is so embarrassing
I hurried out of the building
Straight to work

I forgot to stop by at Bitto's for breakfast
That horrible old woman just ruined my day

I was early again,
great.... Can this day get any worse?

I strolled pass joey's office and saw him having breakfast

I pushed open the door and hurried and snatched the piece of toast he was about to take a bit from

"Good morning... Joey, Aren't you so lucky. You are having breakfast made for you by your mom.... "

I stare into his lunchbox
So yummy

"I wish I had someone.. Take good care of me... "
I said with my mouth full

"You are here..... Early Matilda, did you bring your weed along with you to the office"

"No... Silly,am not high...yet." I smack my lips together

" You on the other hand. You are doing great, your mom keeps spoiling you with breakfast, lunch and even dinner.... No wonder you keep adding weight everyday"

I chuckled and took a bite of his toast
He sighed and focused on his computer

"C'mon Joey.. Live a little, Eleanor is probably still snoring in her mansion. You don't need to work overtime"

"am doing my job.. Matilda"

"Don't be a spoil spot, let's have some chat time as friends "

"Chat time..... Friends..... Matilda if you were my friend. You would know that mom can't be making breakfast, lunch and dinner for me because..... She died last year... Of cancer and even years before that she couldn't make me anything because she was always on her sick bed"

I was out of words
with the toast stuck in my mouth
How come I didn't know this

"Am so sorry.... I had no idea, "
I manage to say

"Exactly my point..... You couldn't have known... Because you are not exactly my chat buddy, everyone attended the funeral but you"

"I must have just started working here.. No one told me"
I defended

"The problem is not that no one told you.. The problem is you never listen. You think you have everything figured out but you don't... Look you are a really cool person Matilda but you don't usually put other people's interest before yours. So you never know"

My shoulder felt weak and my hands were trembling
I put the bread down and stood up and took two steps towards the door

"And just so you know... Eleanor's in her office, she has not been going home for the last two days.. Let alone sleep.... Her exhibition is this weekend and she is working her ass off"
I work here
Am supposed to know this things
How is it possible that I don't know anything

I hurried out of joey's office to the rest room
I sat on the toilet and cry my eyes out

Joey and I have been friends since I started working here
or not..... How could I not know his mom died of cancer last year

I am shocked at my behavior
I work here five days a week..
But it like am never here
I know every staff by name
But I don't really know them
How could I not know Eleanor's fashion show is this weekend
What is wrong with me
Is Mrs. Beckinsale... Right
Am I really selfish and insensitive

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