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I went back to work on Wednesday.
I spent the whole of Tuesday doing laundry and trying to put the house in order

And because I had extra cash to spare... Thanks.... To Mr. rich and handsome, I went to buy my favorite horror movies and pack of chocolates and spend the rest of the day cuddled in bed with my lights off and the sheets wrapped around me

I could do this everyday if I am opportune to, but I needed to clear the rift with Eleanor so I got up this morning and left for work

I didn't bother stopping at Jack's to get coffee, am not in a joyous mood... I went straight to my small cubicle and placed my leg on the desk... I don't exactly have anything to do. I can't even come up with anything... The last time I tried to do my job diligently, it was tossed aside like garbage and i put in so much effort

I was chewing gum and listening to meek mill's rap on my dysfunctional iPod when Vince showed up

"Hey beautiful.... It nice of you to finally show up"

"Hi Vince"

"What's up with you....? Tee"

"What do you mean?"

"You were gone for two days. I'm just wondering if something happened"

"Nothing happened.. Vince"

"Are You sure"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him

"Ok..... Anyway, Eleanor asked to see you the moment you show up at work"

"Sounds terrific.. Why didn't you put that first"

"I.... Uhmm"

"Hush... Vince,"
I gave him the zip it gesture
" You may leave"

He looked puzzled but he left.. I know I shouldn't be lashing on anyone but Eleanor but am not going to pretend to not be angry as hell just because someone is trying to get words out of me

I stood up and head to Eleanor's office, Stacy wasn't on seat.... Thank God, I still haven't come up with an excuse for ditching her calls

I knocked and heard her call in before I walked in and sat on the chair in front of her with my arms spread out

"Matilda" she said as she pulled off her glasses and rub her palm together

"Nice of you to finally show up, do you mind explaining to me why you disappeared for two days"

"I was ill"
I blew out my gum in a lousy manner

"Well did you call it in?"

"I couldn't.... I was unable to reach anyone the whole time"

"There's a level of indiscipline that I cannot tolerate and this is about it..... Why are you taking me for granted?"

"Lemme save you the lecture, if you are going to sanction me or suspend or even fire me just say it... There's no need to beat around"

"Would You rather I fire you..... Right now"

What..... Is she being serious
I didn't mean it when I said that
I don't want to lose my job. I love what I do

"You want to...... Fire me"

"You tell me, are you no longer comfortable working here"

"No..." I sat up

"I mean I love my job, I just don't like when my efforts are trashed"

"What effort"

"The dresses I made for the exhibition.... You said you would display as the masterpiece for the night... Why would you just cancel on me like that? After putting in so much effort, time and energy"

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