Tonight imma love you, and tomorrow you won't care. Pt. 1

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The door was open the next morning I went to visit her. Mu sat on the couch, pointing the remote towards the tv. I stepped in.

MuMu: Ah! *chucks remote* what are you doing in my house!

Abel: *laughs* So you leave your door open?

MuMu: Noo. I left it the opposite of closed. Now gimmie my remote you burglar.

Abel: You want a string attached to it? *grin*

MuMu: shut up Abel!

Abel: where's-

MuMu: Oh, Jordan? She's sleeping.

Abel: Should I go wake her up?

MuMu: Nooo. Are you mentally retarded? She'll kill you. I can't even wake her up.

Jordan: *rubs her eyes as she walks into the living room* I'm up, I'm up. Mu you're always so damn loud.

MuMu: *cheeses* Oh! J, J! We should go to that party Patrick invited us to and bring Abel!

Jordan: ah..I'm still kind of tired. And I have a headache from lastnight

MuMu: *squints* I can smell your lies Jordan...

Abel: it's okay, I mean-

MuMu: No, you should come. Both of yoouu. Togetherr.


MuMu: Yaaaaay!
It was actually fun. We hadn't even been there for an hour and Mu was drugged up on ecstasy already, she swirled and swirled around everybody until she got tired enough.

Jordan: why did I let her bring me here..

Abel: quite a damn handful, how did you meet her?

Jordan: she's been an old friend since 7th grade, now I'm stuck with her-

Mu: Jordaaan! I have to tinklee.

Jordan: why do you always have to pee when you take drugs?

Mu: *shrug*

Jordan: well, go pee.

Mu: no, come with me.

Jordan: You're not fucking 5 Mu.

Mu: You don't know that.

I went through two glasses of Brandy before they came back. The music blasted loudly into my ears and the lights bounced red, green and blue. I was starting to feel the buzz by then.

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