Rin x Haru one-shots

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//Heyy, I'm Casey and this is my first attempt at fanfiction, so please bear with me! Well, I hope you enjoy ^^//

"You've gotta be kidding me..." Rin stared at the room in disbelief. He and Haru had arrived at their hotel in Australia to find...a double bed. This was awkward enough already, but add the fact that Rin had been hiding his true feelings about Haru since he was 12...well, something was certainly going to go wrong, Rin could just feel it.

"Well, I guess there's nothing we can do about it." Haru said, and began unpacking his things.

"Aren't you being too...accepting about this?" Of course I'd be more concerned, Rin thought to himself, but doesn't he feel even slightly awkward? Then again, he is Haruka Nanase - nobody knows what goes on in his head, except maybe Makoto.

"We've slept together before, it's not that different." Haru replied.

"That was when we were kids!" Rin cried, exasperated. He knew there was no point trying to resolve this; the hotel seemed to be very busy, so there wouldn't be much they could do.

"Anyway, there's this aquarium nearby I wanted to show you," Rin said, "You'll love it! There's lots of dolphins!" Hopefully going out for the afternoon would take his mind off things and he could relax. He hoped.


Three hours later, after getting thrown out of the aquarium, they arrived back at the hotel.

"Honestly Haru, what made you think you could swim in that tank with the dolphins?!" Rin sighed.

"I wanted to swim." Haru replied.

"Yes, but you can't just take your clothes off in a public place!" Rin was too tired to carry on arguing with him, he knew it wouldn't make any difference anyway.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Haru said, and proceeded to unbutton his shirt.

Rin had seen Haru strip many times before, but this particular time seemed...different somehow. Maybe because of the fact that they were sharing a bed. He decided to use this opportunity wisely, and stare at Haru's half-naked body. His eyes trailed across his biceps, his chest, his waist...Haru wasn't as well-built as him, but he still loved every inch of his body. Haru glanced over his shoulder. "Are you watching me?" he asked. Rin muttered something incomprehensible and turned away, blushing. No matter what, he couldn't let his friend know he loved him. He'd probably never talk to him again, although there was the possibility that the feelings were mutual. Anything was possible with Haru, and he'd never give you any signs. But was it really worth risking their friendship based on one possibility?

"Are you going to go to bed, or are you just going to stand there all night?" Haru broke Rin's trail of thought. Rin was glad, after all there was no point in over thinking things, and it would just stress him out too much.

"Yeah, yeah" Rin replied, and proceeded to take off his own shirt and pull on a black tank top. He climbed into bed, making sure to lie as far away from Haru as possible.

Rin lay on his back and planned what they could do tomorrow in his head. He pushed out - or at least attempted to - all the unwanted thoughts: taking Haru out on a date to the nice cafe on the corner, walking through the park, Haru kissing him, him kissing Haru back harder, and...other things he really didn't want to think about right now.

I should definitely go to sleep now, Rin thought to himself before his thoughts got too out of control. "Good night Haru," he whispered. There was no reply, so he presumed Haru was asleep already. A part of him wanted to grab Haru around the waist and pull him close, but he knew there was no way in hell he could do that. He just needed to stop thinking about Haru and go to sleep.


Haru woke up at some point during the night, presumably early morning. He could hear Rin's light breathing behind him: at some point he had turned in his sleep so he was facing Haru's back. Haru turned over and glanced at Rin; he looked so peaceful. He was glad - Rin had seemed pretty stressed lately, like something was bothering him. If I asked him about it, he probably wouldn't tell me, Haru thought. Maybe I should see if Makoto will talk to him when we get back. And there was the thing with him getting flustered at the slightest thing Haru said; he couldn't figure out why at all.

I probably won't be able to sleep now, Haru thought. He got up carefully, trying not to wake Rin, and got himself a glass of water. After a few minutes, he returned, and climbed quietly into bed. Clearly he wasn't quiet enough, as he heard Rin stir. "Rin?" he whispered.

"Haru..." Rin murmured, and moved slightly. Haru noticed he was lying quite close to him. He couldn't tell if he was fully awake or not.

Rin suddenly reached out, and wrapped his arm around Haru's waist. What is he doing? Haru thought, slightly bewildered, and was about to turn and face Rin when he moved even closer and wrapped his other arm around him. Haru didn't know what to do. He presumed that he was asleep, and wasn't aware of what he was doing. Even so, he seemed aware of the fact that this was Haru he had his arms around: after all, he had said his name. What the hell was going on?

Rin was lying so close to Haru that he could feel his warm breath on his back. He now had his legs wrapped around Haru's, and he buried his face in his back. All this was strange enough to Haru, but the strangest yet was that he didn't seem to mind. This was his friend, cuddling him, and he seemed to be enjoying it?! Without thinking, he clasped his hand around Rin's, and shut his eyes. He needed to completely reconsider his feelings for Rin, and basically his entire life. But that can wait 'till morning, Haru thought to himself. He heard Rin mumble something into his back: it could've been his imagination, but he was sure Rin had said "I love you, Haru."

Haru smiled and went to sleep. He didn't want to think about how awkward the next morning would be.

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