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(A/N:): If I put the symbol , * , that means I struggled spelling the word and need help.


Water dripped on my face.

Which is very weird considering I fell asleep in the cabin last night.

I opened my eyes and was met with a stormy grey sky.

I sat up, completely straight and looked at my surroundings.

I was in the middle of nowhere.

Fear filled my chest. I tried looking to see where I was , but the fog was too thick.

I looked down and found myself naked.

Did I shift?


I asked.

Of course no answer. My wolf has been dormant* ever since I can remember.

"Zion?" I asked aloud.

"What happe-"

"The curse worked. We did something terrible."

My angel cut me off off and began rambling about all the terrible things that we did.

"How come I don't remember anything?"

"I don't see how you can't , we did some fucked up shit to that village."

Maybe me not being able to remember is apart of the curse.

"Take me there." I demanded.

My wings spread from my back and Zion catapulted me into the air.

We flew for what seemed to be an hour. This made me wonder how I didn't remember the flight to the village.

When , I landed where Zion had taken me , Immediately saw smoke in the air.

I followed it and peeked at the people run around madly through the thick forest.

People were crying over dead their dead relatives. Little boys and girls wondered through the dirt paths , seeming like they had no where to go.

Small huts and buildings were completely destroyed, and smoke emitted from them.

"D-Did I do this?" I whispered to my self.

I clenched my fists and took a step back in shock.

The scene in front of me was too much to take in.

But this was to be expected. This is a curse after all.

Someone must've heard my movement , because what I hear next was terrifying.

"The beast returns! Kill him!"

My wings sprouted behind me and I took off from the angry crowd of people.

Once I made it back to the cabin , I fell to my knees.

I feel disgusted. I feel the bile rise up my throat. I let it out. I spew whatever I have left in my stomach out onto the forest floor.

Tears ran down my face. I cried.

I cried for what seemed like forever.

I cried till the sun went down , and until the moon came up.

I cried enough tears for the ocean , and then some.

What the hell did I do?!


The forests heart was heavy for the next 2 weeks. Every night sobs rang out for miles

And every morning regretful shouts filled the air.

Birds no longer chirped happy songs , and the deer no longer trotted on sunny days. The forest turned dark.

The energy that Kahmil emitted* was so strong that the forest literally absorbed it. Nothing would be the same as long as the curse Haunted Alariks son.

Everyone and everything seemed to feel this strange energy. and from this day on everyone would know to stay away from what would be known as ,

" The Winged Beasts Forest"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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