Part 4

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Everything is circular. That is what her mother had told her. With death comes new life. Melissa did not know what to make of that statement, but she was glad to have this new life inside of her when she was losing another so close to her. It was not easy, but it made it easier. Angela was talking to the people who had come to pay their respects, and Melissa took the opportunity to move away from the group and find some solace and solitude. She walked to the closest trees and basked in its shade. She could see that some of the men who had come with Melissa were watching her.

"Cigarette," said the man who had walked up beside her. Melissa had not noticed him approach; he had stalked her as a wolf does with a sheep. Melissa turned to him and looked him up and down. He had a cheap suit and reeked of cheap cologne. His shirt had been neatly pressed, so, at least he had made an effort, or his wife had, going by the ring on his finger. From the bulge under his jacket, Melissa could tell that he was carrying a gun, and from the pencil-thin mustache on his upper lip, Melissa could tell that he did not care all that much about his appearance.

Melissa took the cigarette from him without saying anything, and let him light it for her. She knew that he was a cop and wanted something from her, but she wanted the cigarette more. She drew in long and deep before breathing out the smoke into the hot air. She had not been one to smoke but had done so socially from time to time. At that moment, it was the best thing that she had ever tasted.

"So, why are you back here?" asked the man. Still, Melissa did not say anything. "Detective Perez," said the man. He opened his coat and took his wallet from his inside pocket, taking a card from it too. He took the opportunity to show off his badge and gun, which were sitting on his belt. Melissa did not take the card.

"Why does she want you back here?" asked Detective Perez, motioning to Angela, who had still not seen Melissa and the cop taking, though her men had. Melissa continued in silence, taking drags from the cigarette and blowing out the smoke nonchalantly.

"You seem very friendly together, sitting with her at your husband's funeral. We know that she has never liked you. Why are you protecting her?" asked Detective Perez. Melissa looked him in the eye briefly before looking away.

"We can protect you," continued Detective Perez. Melissa scoffed at him.

"If you come in for a little chat, I am sure that we can come to some sort of arrangement," said Detective Perez. "This is not something to think about. Look, she is coming over. Maybe she thinks that you have already spoken to me. What will she do then? You are safe with us; you are not safe with her."

"Good morning, Detective Perez," said Angela with fake politeness. "You come here and bother my family at my son's funeral. You are an animal, you are all animals."

"Family," said Detective Perez. "Think about it." He directed the last comment at Melissa before walking away.

"What did you say to him?" asked Angela.

"Nothing," said Melissa.

"Keep it that way," said Angela. "I would not want anything to happen to my grandchild." Melissa's eyes opened wide. She opened her mouth and closed it again. She had kept her secret so well.

"How, how did you know?" asked Melissa.

"I have my ways," said Angela. "Why do you think that I brought you back here?"

"For the funeral," said Melissa.

"Why would I fly you all the way back here just for that?" asked Angela. "What use would that be? No, I want to ensure the safety of my grandchild."

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