I'll love you til the end of time.

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"What are these tattoos on your neck?" Clary asked, gently leaning a hand on jaces chest, lifting it up to the rune that was laying across his neck. She looked into his eyes and smiled. He, as much as this was wrong, and as much as it made him happy she remembered his name, and even was curious enough to know about the rune she noticed. Jace didn't want trouble, at least not with celestial beings such as angels.

After giving her back a small smile, he immediately coughed and took a step back. She looked at him weird. Like she must have offended him or something. "Sorry, didn't mean to be nosey.." she replied, giving him an apologetic look. But she swore she saw something like that somewhere. She just couldn't make it out. "It's- it's alright." He said, pausing for a minute. "Nice to meet you- clary..." jace continued, really upset about all of this. But how did she even see him? She must have got her sight back. He made sure he was glamoured ten times before he left the institute.

"But I must go." He said, not even giving her a chance to speak. He turned on his heels and was about to walk away once and for all, it was too much for him. He wanted to scream and cry too badly. "Jace, wait!" She said. Grabbing him by the arm. He turned around, looking at her with almost teary eyes. "I've seen your tattoo somewhere." She said which made him feel more bad. What everyone else is gonna say? He was so happy to check up on her all the time but this wasn't it. He loved her but this wasn't it.

"How?" Jace asked, trying to avoid all ways of stuttering. While she still held his arm gently. She smiled and nodded. "I can show you- I mean only if you'd like to come- like to my apartment. Yeah, I mean I'm an artist as you can see inside of there." She rambled, pointing inside the building. He gave her the time to explain what she wanted to show him. She didn't even realise that standing close to him made her remember or getting some things she usually saw in her dreams or just her daily thoughts.

"I drew them. Same tattoos, I assume you have more..?" She asked, letting go of his arm. Jace simply nodded. "Listen, I don't know what you're talking about." He said, lying through his teeth. She knew this made too much sense to her to let him go, she needed answers. She needs an answer for his appearance at her art school. Needs an answer for a lot of things.

"No, I know things, things that are way too unusual. Jace, this can't be a coincidence.." clary replied. Jace just sighed, completely out of words. "Just- let me show you?" She asked, literally trusting him enough. It's that feeling when she first trusted him after her mom got kidnapped, a year and a half ago. Which felt like ages ago.

"Fine." He agreed and she nodded. Walking in front of him, waiting for him to join her and he does. He followed behind as she went to her car. Jace was very confused but obviously she needed one. New York is very huge. She got into the driver seat already, while jace just hesitated. He was sweating too bad at that moment. Praying the angels won't send fire right at his head. "Jace?" Clary asked as she opened the door for him from inside. "Yeah- yeah sorry." He smiled awkwardly. Jumping into the car and closing the door as she drove off.

Few minutes later they arrived at her little place that jace knew all too well, from watching over her before. Like her guardian angel. Clary unlocked her door and let jace in. "Sorry it's a bit messy-" she said and chuckled. "No worries." He replied, smiling back. She closed the door behind her and stepped in front of him. "Why did you ask me if I can see you?" Clary asked, and at this moment jace probably forgot the real answer to that question. He knew he shouldn't have done this. But it's too late for that now.

"Answer me.." clary said after waving her hands in front of his face. He zooned out, lost in his own thoughts. He figured he should tell her the truth? Tell her everything? If the angels were mad about this he'd probably be dead at this point. So maybe telling her won't do much. Hopefully.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything you wish to know. But please- just don't freak out or think anything less of me. Since you probably don't know much about me at this moment- but..  still." He replied back and she nodded. "I won't freak out, promise." She said nodding to the speech he just told.

He took a deep breath. There it is, now or never. "You.. you were like me, you had all these tattoos, that are called runes. You and i- fought side by side. You saved my life and I saved yours. You were mine, I loved you. And I know you loved me too... We shared those great memories together.." jace breathed out, a tear rolling down his cold cheek. "We laughed, we smiled. We cried, both you and me." He continued. Clary just listened. He looked at her finally, with those gorgeous eyes of his. "I swore on our love that nothing bad would ever happened to you as long as I live.. and I meant it, every single word I said. You were one of the strongest fighters I've ever met but I still made sure I had to protect you everywhere I go..." He said, completely breaking down in front of her. "So.. After I lost you, for something that wasn't your fault and only did it for good.. I still kept the promise of never letting any harm get to you. And I don't know how you feel about me at this moment.. But clary.. You were my hopes and dreams, you were my good and bad, you were my happiness and sadness. You were everything I've ever wanted and needed. And that would never change. Now that you have no memory of us I can't stand close to you without regret, without breaking down. Without thinking I still want you. Without thinking that I'll never stop loving you.." He said and she started crying as well, after all this time. The dreams the drawings.. everything made sense to her. All of it.

"Jace i-" she said sniffling and he nodded smiling. "I know, I know it sounds new and unusual but clary... All of this happened for a reason.. I can't do anything about it, and neither can you... I'm sorry." He said blinking away his tears. " I just know that I'll love you til the end of time." He said, wiping her tears away. "I know that I'll love you til the end of time too."

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